Located 5km southeast of Tuk Tuk, near the Tomok ferry terminal, is a complex of royal Batak tombs and houses. At the entrance you'll pass sarcophagi of royal members and family, but to find the tomb of King Sidabutar you'll need to go 500m past the souvenir stalls and look for the sign.
Sidabutar's tomb is the one with a large tribal-looking sculpture of the king’s head carved at the front of his tombstone, along with those of his bodyguard below and Anteng Melila Senega at the rear, the woman the king is said to have loved for many years without fulfilment.
Next to the king’s tomb lie the grave of the missionary who converted the tribe in the 19th century, and an older Batak royal tomb, which souvenir vendors say is used as a multilingual fertility shrine for childless couples.
The on-site Museum Tomok (entry 5000Rp) has semi-interesting displays of Batak artefacts.