Must-see attractions in Brazil

  • Gonçalo Coelho's Marker Stone

    Porto Seguro

    Marks the spot where the Portuguese explorer seized this stretch of coastline from native people in the early 16th century.

  • Palácio da Justiça


    Water cascades between the arches of the Palácio de Justicia into a koi fish pond. Visitors cannot access the interior.

  • Igreja de Pedra

    Minas Gerais

    This raw stone church, built from local quartzite, is a prime example of São Thomé's rustic traditional architecture.

  • Lago Azul

    Rio de Janeiro State

    From park headquarters, a 500m trail descends to this natural pool in the Rio Campo Belo, a popular spot for swimming.

  • Arco de Teles

    Rio de Janeiro

    The archway leading into Travessa do Comércio was once part of an old viaduct running between two buildings.

  • Praça XV de Novembro

    Centro & the Mainland

    The center of town is the inviting Praça XV de Novembro, with its shady walks and 100-year-old fig tree.

  • Caixa Cultural


    A well-run cultural center in the historic center hosting rotating high-quality exhibitions and films.

  • Parque da Cidade


    A good park not far from the city center is the Parque da Cidade, which has kiosks to grab a snack.

  • Igreja de NS do Rosário

    Minas Gerais

    This simple church was built in 1719 to honor the patron saint who was protector of the slaves.

  • Casarão dos Azulejos


    This beautifully blue-tiled old house sits in front of the Iglesia NS do Carmo.

  • Forte Santa Maria


    A 17th-century stone fortification that's administered by the Navy.

  • RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - JULY 04:  Work continues at Olympic Park in preparation for the 2016 Olympic Games on July 4, 2016 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  (Photo by Matthew Stockman/Getty Images)

    Parque Olímpico

    Rio de Janeiro

    This was the epicenter of the 2016 Summer Olympics and the Paralympic Games. Sadly, the facilities now sit largely abandoned and are not open to the…

  • Museu da Imagem e Som

    Rio de Janeiro

    If work on this new museum is ever complete, Copacabana will finally have an outstanding rainy-day attraction. The building, designed by celebrated New…

  • Estação Cabo Branco


    Inaugurated in 2008, this cultural center 5km southeast of Tambaú was designed by famed Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer and is more interesting for its…

  • Praça XV (Quinze) de Novembro

    Rio de Janeiro

    The first residents on this historic site were Carmelite fathers who built a convent here in 1590. It later came under the property of the Portuguese…

  • Rio Zoo

    Rio de Janeiro

    Covering over 12 hectares, the zoo at Quinta da Boa Vista has a wide variety of reptiles, mammals and birds, mostly indigenous to Brazil. Special…

  • Memorial Luiz Gonzaga


    A small state-run museum dedicated to Luiz Gonzaga, the father of baião, a traditional music from the sertão (the interior of the Northeast). It has been…

  • Cidade do Samba

    Rio de Janeiro

    Located north of Centro, near the port, Samba City is actually made up of 14 large buildings where the top Rio schools assemble their Carnaval floats. It…

  • Mirante do Pasmado

    Rio de Janeiro

    Sweeping views of Enseada de Botafogo, Pão de Açúcar and Corcovado await visitors who make the journey up Pasmado. It’s best reached in early morning or…

  • Museu Villa-Lobos

    Rio de Janeiro

    Housed in a century-old building, this modest museum is dedicated to the memory of Brazil’s greatest classical composer and founder of the Brazilian…

  • Igreja Matriz

    Rio Grande do Sul

    This small, modern-day church across the street from the ruins at São Nicolau is a far cry from the religious epicenter that once stood on this site, but…

  • MusA-UFPR


    Inside the neoclassical headquarters of the Federal University of Paraná, the university's museum features rotating exhibitions along with a small and…

  • Centro Carioca de Design

    Rio de Janeiro

    In a historic building overlooking Praça Tiradentes, this multifloor cultural space showcases a changing array of exhibitions relating to design, urbanism…

  • Museu do Imigrante

    Santa Catarina

    This 1890 Fachwerk home in Timbó chronicles the history of immigration in the area. Guided visits give context but only in Portuguese, unfortunately. It…

  • Museu Histórico Municipal

    The Amazon

    This sad little museum includes stuffed and pickled animals, random photographs and a handful of indigenous artifacts. Too bad they don't focus on the one…

  • Museu a Céu Aberto da Tartaruga Marinha

    Fernando de Noronha

    Based at the Centro de Visitantes in Vila do Boldró, this open-air museum has displays on sea turtles by the Projeto Tamar (Tamar Project;…

  • College of Law

    São Paulo

    Next to Igreja de São Francisco de Assis is the prestigious College of Law. Founded in 1827, it is considered to be Brazil’s oldest institution of higher…

  • Ponte Rio-Niterói

    Rio de Janeiro

    The Ponte Rio-Niterói (Ponte Presidente Costa e Silva) offers spectacular views of Baía de Guanabara. The bridge is 15.5km long, 60m high and 26.6m wide,…

  • Museu da Cidade


    Above the bust of Juscelino Kubitschek on the Praça dos Três Poderes is this mausoleum-like rectangular exhibition hall, only of interest if you read…

  • Teatro Popular

    Rio de Janeiro

    This striking theater, designed by famed architect Oscar Niemeyer, lies just a short distance from the ferry terminal in Niterói. It hosts a line-up of…

  • Igreja de São Francisco de Paula

    Minas Gerais

    This 19th-century church, the last to be constructed during Ouro Preto's colonial period, serves as a convenient landmark, perched high on the hillside…

  • Palácio de la Ravardière

    São Luís

    The Palácio de la Ravardière dates back to 1689 and is now the Prefeitura (City Hall). A bust of São Luís’ French founder, Daniel de la Touche, stands…

  • Catedral São Paulo Apóstolo

    Santa Catarina

    Awash in red granite and stained glass, Blumenau's main cathedral is massive and not much of a looker, save its cedar entryway carvings and 45m tri-bell…

  • Catedral

    The Amazon

    Porto Velho's unremarkable main cathedral is rather lacking in upkeep but otherwise dominates downtown Porto Velho's skyline.

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