Must-see attractions in Southeastern Iran

  • Zurabkhane

    Southeastern Iran

    A collection of ancient coins, displayed in a half-dark domed chamber, might be of interest to numismatists but at foreigner prices it seems overpriced …

  • Masjed-e Jameh

    Southeastern Iran

    The Masjed-e Jameh's four lofty iwans originally date from 1349, though there was extensive modernisation during the Safavid and later periods. Instead of…

  • Anthropology Museum

    Southeastern Iran

    Housed in the Zand-era Soltani House with its two mini mosque-like iwans, this seven-room museum is unusually well arranged – the mannequins have a degree…

  • Bazar-e Zargaran

    Southeastern Iran

    The gold bazaar is tucked away to the northeast of Ganj Ali Khan Sq. In the middle of its countless jewellery shops is a small square where you'll come…

  • Shafiabad Caravanserai

    Southeastern Iran

    The large caravanserai in the heart of Safiabad is bigger in scale than others in the large surrounding oasis, and has four attractively faceted round…

  • Qaleh Dokhtar

    Southeastern Iran

    On dun-coloured ridges at the eastern edge of town rise the lumpy outlines of two timeless mud-fortress ruins. This area would have been Kerman's most…

  • Masjed-e Jameh

    Southeastern Iran

    Dating from 1621, Boshrooyeh's distinctive one-iwan mosque of uncoloured brick is topped with a small, turret-like minaret on its upper dome. It sits on a…

  • Boshrooyeh Museum

    Southeastern Iran

    Two of Boshrooyeh's historic houses are being restored for use as a private museum. As yet there are no fixed entry times, so you might need to call ahead…

  • Coppersmiths' Workshop

    Southeastern Iran

    Many of the copper pans that gleam so lustrously around the Bazar-e Mesgari Shomali are made in an old-fashioned smithy tucked away in one of the alleys…

  • Kola Feranghi

    Southeastern Iran

    Although it's one of the images most used in Birjand's self-promotion, this unique, six-level stepped tower is not generally accessible to visitors as it…

  • Imamzadeh Shirekhoda

    Southeastern Iran

    New but entombing a descendant of the sixth imam, this pretty octagonal structure features blue-floral tiling between its honeycombed windows and the…

  • Lut Caravanserai

    Southeastern Iran

    Guides claim that this small, lonely mud compound with four little towers is a caravanserai (a traditional inn with a courtyard for camel trains). In fact…

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