Must-see attractions in Israel & the Palestinian Territories

  • Sebastia

    West Bank

    Sebastia is a collection of ruins above a village of the same name that is believed to be one of the oldest continuously inhabited places in the West Bank.

  • LA Mayer Museum for Islamic Art


    The LA Mayer Museum, on Rehavia's southern fringe, exhibits ornate treasures from across the Islamic art world: 11th-century glassware and Mamluk pottery…

  • Beit Hatfutsot

    Tel Aviv

    Once known as the Diaspora Museum and recently revamped as the Museum of the Jewish People, Beit Hatfutsot is located on the leafy campus of Tel Aviv…

  • Ein Feshkha

    Dead Sea

    Fed by crystal-clear springs, this lush oasis stretches for 6.5km along the base of the escarpment that forms the western edge of the Dead Sea valley…

  • Tell Balata Archaelogical Park

    West Bank

    Tell Balata is the remains of what is believed to be the first settlement in Nablus, the Canaanite town of Shechem, dating from the first and second…

  • Carmelite Monastery of St Elijah

    North Coast

    Spectacular views and surprising kitsch greet visitors to this lofty monastery. The Carmelite Monastery of St Elijah is known to Arab and Jewish Israelis…

  • Monastery of the Cross


    The origins of this fortified monastery are cloaked in mystery. It is believed that Jesus's cross was constructed from wood grown in this valley, leading…

  • The Human Condition

    Dead Sea

    Atop a bluff overlooking the Dead Sea Works stands this modern sculpture, a rusted-steel column with old steel railway ties striving to climb it like…

  • Jacob’s Well

    West Bank

    Near the entrance to Balata, the largest refugee camp in the West Bank, is the spot where Christians believe a Samaritan woman offered Jesus a drink of…

  • Tisch Zoological Gardens


    Spare your kids the agony of visiting another treasure of antiquity and let them loose in the Biblical Zoo, a 25-hectare park in the southwest of the city…

  • Safari Ramat Gan

    Tel Aviv

    Offering a fascinating glimpse of fantastic beasts, this is close as you'll get to the Serengeti plains in Israel. It's both a drive-through safari and a…

  • Cardo Maximus


    The Cardo was originally a 22m-wide colonnaded avenue flanked by roofed arcades, the main artery of Roman and Byzantine Jerusalem. Following excavations…

  • Basilica of Jesus the Adolescent


    Built between 1906 and 1923, this neo-Gothic church, with commanding views of Nazareth, has a clean, almost luminescent limestone interior whose delicate…

  • Nazareth Village


    If you've ever been curious about day-to-day life in Nazareth in the time of Jesus, consider stopping by this recreation of a 1st-century Galilean…

  • National Maritime Museum


    This museum, founded in 1953, covers five millennia of maritime history across its three floors, from barnacle-clung amphorae to Israel's recent naval…

  • Ancient Katzrin Park

    Golan Heights

    To get a sense of life during the Talmudic period (3rd to 6th centuries) when the Golan had dozens of Jewish villages, drop by this partly reconstructed…

  • Latrun Monastery


    Visitors arrive at Latrun Monastery not only for peaceful contemplation and a peep into the church, but also the chance to buy olive oil and wine made by…

  • Herodian Quarter Museum


    Descend to Jerusalem's ancient bones at this small subterranean museum. Among its impressively intact archaeological sites is a 600-sq-m Herodian-era…

  • Rockefeller Museum

    East Jerusalem

    The Rockefeller Museum doesn't ride high on must-see lists for Jerusalem, but it's calm, uncrowded and only a short walk from Herod's Gate. The atmosphere…

  • Yad Layeled Children’s Memorial Museum

    North Coast

    This powerful memorial to the 1.5 million Jewish children killed in the Holocaust is housed in a circular building, intended to symbolically unify their…

  • Apollonia National Park


    This picturesque coastal park contains the ruins of a Crusader castle that becomes the venue for open-air concerts during summer weekends. There are some…

  • Soreq Cave


    Thousands of spindly stalactites hang within this 4800-sq-metre cave, with illuminations in blue and violet adding to the sense of enchantment. A short…

  • Mini Israel


    More than 380 of Israel's major sights are shrunk to Lilliputian proportions at this cheerful and child-friendly amusement park. Pathways lead you among…

  • White Mosque


    Built in the late 1700s by Sheikh Abdullah Al Fahum – his tomb can be seen through a glass door off the sanctuary – this mosque is known for its long…

  • Museum of Italian Jewish Art


    A baroque-style synagogue, twinkling with gold vine leaves and decorative arches, is the focal point of this overlooked museum. Transported across the…

  • Akhziv National Park

    North Coast

    About 5km north of Nahariya, Akhziv National Park has broad lawns, traces of a Phoenician port, and a small, shallow, family-friendly beach. Changing…

  • Dar Zahran Heritage Building


    One of Ramallah's oldest buildings, Dar Zahran was restored and converted into a gallery-cum-museum in 1990, and plans are now underway for a coffee shop…

  • Janco–Dada Museum

    North Coast

    Glimpse into the creative mind of Marcel Janco at this 1983-built museum dedicated to his life and works. It was Janco’s idea to establish this community…

  • Journey to Jerusalem


    For those interested in exploring their Jewish ancestry, head to the Kotel administration building to try out this computer-based multimedia program…

  • Palestinian Heritage Museum

    East Jerusalem

    Within a school complex (the Dar Al Tifil Al Arabi Institute) in a 19th-century building, this museum provides a useful primer on ancient and modern…

  • Terra Sancta Museum


    Yet another high-quality archaeology museum in the city, this one run by the Franciscans and showcasing their New Testament–period collection of artefacts…

  • Mauristan


    The Mauristan, a Persian word meaning 'hospital' or 'hospice', has a 19th-century fountain at its centre and leads to two souqs (one full of butcher shops…

  • Sha'al Fruit Picking

    Golan Heights

    The orchards here grow four kinds of cherries, three kinds of plums and five kinds of mulberries as well as blueberries, blackberries, raspberries and…

  • Church of Dominus Flevit

    East Jerusalem

    Built in the early 1950s, this tear-drop-shaped church commemorates the spot where, according to the Gospel of Luke, Jesus wept after foreseeing the…

  • First Aliya Museum

    North Coast

    Striking displays and short films relate the struggles of early Zionist pioneers: fleeing pogroms in their homelands, escaping Ottoman detection on their…

  • Bahat Winery

    Golan Heights

    A true boutique operation, Bahat – housed in a one-time plastic-sandal factory – produces just 20,000 bottles of wine a year, including port (first sold…

  • Hansen House


    Once a home for leprosy patients, the 19th-century Hansen House is now a rotating gallery of art exhibits and a chic restaurant with music on Thursday…

  • Church of the Visitation


    This modern Franciscan church (c 1939–40) is built over what is said to have been the home of Zacharias and Elizabeth; it's named for Mary’s visit to…

  • Underground Prisoners Museum


    Few travellers are aware of this fascinating museum about the struggle of the Jewish underground's efforts to oust the British and create Israel. It's…

  • Ticho House


    Nestled in a quiet green space off Jerusalem's bustling Zion Sq, Ticho House is home to galleries that showcase the work of a beloved Jerusalem artist,…