Must-see attractions in Italy

  • Laguna di Marano

    Friuli Venezia Giulia

    Beyond the workaday docks and medieval streets of old Roman fishing port Marano Lagunare, peace and quiet is ensured by two nature reserves: 13.77-sq-km…

  • Le Ciminiere


    Le Ciminiere is a modern museum complex housed in a converted sulphur refinery. The most interesting of its museums is the Museo Storico dello Sbarco in…

  • Santuario di San Vito

    Western Sicily

    It's impossible to miss the town's 15th-century church, a lumbering stone construction more evocative of a defensive fortress or jail than sacred place of…

  • Mausoleo di Teodorico


    Historically and architecturally distinct from Ravenna's other Unesco sites (there are no mosaics here), this two-storey mausoleum was built in 520 for…

  • Palazzo della Ragione


    The imposing arches and columns of the Palazzo della Ragione sit at the southern end of Piazza Vecchia. Built in the 12th century, it bears the lion of St…

  • Museo Angelo Rizzoli


    This pint-sized museum encased in the larger Museo Archeologico di Pithecusae pays homage to the man who turned humble little Lacco into a celebrity…

  • Catacomb

    Ionian Coast

    Located beneath a 17th-century Capuchin monastery, Savoca's small catacomb is considered one of Sicily's most significant. Its mummified corpses date back…

  • Museo Civico


    The Museo Civico houses a modest collection of archaeological finds from Modica and Cava d'Ispica, dating back to the neolithic period. The most prized of…

  • Museo Pinacoteca Provinciale


    Spread throughout six small galleries, Salerno's multi-era art museum houses a collection dating from the Renaissance right up to the first half of the…

  • Chiesa di San Giuliano


    Built by the Normans in the 11th century, this church later underwent extensive reconstruction, including the addition of an 18th-century baroque bell…

  • Parco Sculture del Chianti


    Site-specific contemporary artworks created by artists from over 20 countries are scattered throughout this 7-hectare wood, including a glass labyrinth by…

  • Chiesa di San Giovanni in Bragora


    This serene 15th-century brick church harmonises Gothic and Renaissance styles with remarkable ease, setting the tone for a young Antonio Vivaldi, who was…

  • Casa Grande Correale


    Although Sorrento's noble Correale family reputedly owned a house on this very site in the 15th century, the current palazzo (mansion) dates from the 18th…

  • Museo del Duomo


    Treasures from the Cattedrale di Santa Maria are displayed at this compact museum just around the corner from the cathedral. One standout is the 15th…

  • Musei Provinciali di Borgo Castello

    Friuli Venezia Giulia

    Below the castle in three adjacent building (Casa Domberg, Tasso and Formentini) are the provincial museums of Gorizia. The most interesting is the Museo…

  • Museo Storico della Liberazione

    Monti, Esquilino & San Lorenzo

    The apartment block at Via Tasso 145 was the headquarters of the German SS during the Nazi occupation of Rome (1943–44), and now a small and sombre museum…

  • Chiesa di San Costanzo


    This is the island’s oldest church and the only real sight around the marina. Dating from the 5th century, the whitewashed chiesa is dedicated to the…

  • Area Archeologica della Linguella


    The 16th-century Torre del Martello was where Napoleon was 'imprisoned' at the start of his fleeting exile on Elba in 1814 and the russet-red, hexagonal…

  • Grotta Corbeddu

    Eastern Sardinia

    Named for Giovanni Corbeddu, the notorious 19th-century bandit who used to hide out here, this 150m-deep cave has also been the site of ongoing…

  • Pescaria

    San Polo & Santa Croce

    Slinging fresh fish daily for 700 years and still going strong, Venetian fishmongers are more vital to local cuisine than any single chef. Glistening fish…

  • Cattedrale del San Salvatore

    Western Sicily

    With its glistening cluster of emerald-green, ceramic-tiled domes, the cathedral is an imposing sight. Originally dating to the 11th century, it was…

  • Ponte Milvio


    A cobbled footbridge, Ponte Milvio is best known as the site of the ancient Battle of the Milvian Bridge. It was first built in 109 BC to carry Via…

  • La Terrazza Panoramica


    Basilica di San Petronio's new (and temporary) 54m-high panoramic terrace – reached from an entrance behind the basilica – doesn't hold a candle to the…

  • Palazzo Piccolomini

    Val d'Orcia

    This magnificent palace was the residence of Pope Pius II, and is considered Bernardo Rossellino's masterpiece. Built on the site of the pope's family…

  • Santuario della Madonna delle Lacrime


    Supposedly modelled on the shape of a tear drop, the 102m-high spire of this church dominates modern Syracuse's skyline. The church itself houses a statue…

  • Palazzo Laterano

    San Giovanni & Testaccio

    Palazzo Laterano was the official papal residence until the pope moved to the Vatican in 1377. Adjacent to the Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano, it's…

  • Villa del Grumello


    This picturesque villa with extensive gardens is generally open only for special events (conferences, weddings and the like). The grounds, however, open…

  • Ramparts

    Central Tuscany

    Built by the Republic of Siena in the 13th century as a defensive outpost against Florence, Monteriggioni's castle resisted a number of sieges and attacks…

  • Porta Settimiana

    Trastevere & Gianicolo

    Resembling a crenellated keep, Porta Settimiana marks the start of Via della Lungara, the 16th-century road that connects Trastevere with the Borgo. It…

  • Chiesa del Domine Quo Vadis

    Southern Rome

    This pint-sized church marks the spot where St Peter, fleeing Rome, met a vision of Jesus going the other way. When Peter asked, ‘Domine, quo vadis?’ …

  • Cattedrale di San Martino


    Belluno’s majestic cathedral with its elegant, onion-domed campanile (bell tower) designed by Filippo Juvarra was originally raised in 850 on top of an…

  • L’Oratorio dei Crociferi


    This plain almshouse is often overlooked in favour of the extravagant Jesuit church opposite. But the 12th-century Order of the Cross that founded it to…

  • Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore

    Central Sicily

    A reconstruction of a 13th-century church destroyed by a landslide in 1757, the current Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore made its debut in 1767…

  • La Spezieria all’Ercole d’Oro


    This perfectly preserved 17th-century spezieria (pharmacy) illustrates how Venetian medical advice was dispensed three centuries ago, with curatives in…

  • Chiesa di San Pietro

    Eastern Sardinia

    Standing lonesome on the Golgo plateau amid ancient olive trees, this humble late-16th-century church with its striking whitewashed facade is flanked by…

  • Palazzo Buontalenti


    Sister gallery to Palazzo de' Rossi on the same street, this palazzo is a fine example of 15th-century Tuscan architecture thanks to leading Florentine…

  • Villa Aldobrandini

    Monti, Esquilino & San Lorenzo

    If you’re in need of a breather around Via Nazionale or are in search of somewhere for a picnic, follow Via Mazzarino off the main road and walk up the…

  • Piazza Satta

    Eastern Sardinia

    This small square is dedicated to the great poet Sebastiano Satta (1867–1914), who was born in a house here. To celebrate the centenary of Satta's birth,…

  • Palazzo del Capitaniato


    Flanking the western side of elegant Piazza dei Signori, the Palazzo del Capitaniato became the seat of Venetian authority when Padua came under the…

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