Must-see attractions in Italy

  • Castello di Marmilla

    Southwestern Sardinia

    Lording it over the electric green landscape, the scant ruins of the 12th-century Castello di Marmilla sit atop a perfectly pyramidal hill near the hamlet…

  • Chiesa di San Giuseppe


    Overlooking Piazza IX Aprile, this jewel-box church was completed in the early 18th century. The central portal is made of local marble while the portals…

  • aRimini Caput Viarum


    Rimini is perhaps a tad over-excited about this newer attraction: a church and hospital dating to 1368 beautifully restored and converted into a small…

  • Ancient Greek Gate


    On its route down to Marina Grande, Via Sopra le Mura passes through a large stone archway. This was one of Sorrento's original Greek city gates, built in…

  • Piazza Moro

    Southeastern Sicily

    A 400m walk north of Piazza del Popolo lies Piazza Moro, home to two exquisite baroque churches: the Chiesa Madre (on the southern flank) and the Chiesa…

  • Chiesa di San Giuseppe


    Built between 1756 and 1796, this elegant church was commissioned by the wealthy Benedictine order. Inside, turn your gaze upward to appreciate Sebastiano…

  • Castello Salvaterra

    Southwestern Sardinia

    Just off Piazza Quintino Sella, stairs lead to a stout square tower. This is all that remains of the Castello Salvaterra, the once-mighty Pisan fortress…

  • Auditorium Oscar Niemeyer


    Located just below the main approach to town, this modern building, which follows the natural slope of the hill, has caused a love-it-or-hate-it…

  • Fontana di Artemide


    At the heart of Ortygia is handsome Piazza Archimede, home to Giulio Moschetti's Fontana di Artemide. Constructed between 1906 and 1907, the fountain's…

  • Villa Roma Antiquarium


    Rediscovered in the 1930s, the 1st-century Villa Roma Antiquarium is a typical example of the splendid homes that Roman nobles built as holiday retreats…

  • Isola di Vivara


    Linked to Procida by pedestrian bridge, pocket-sized Vivara is what remains of a volcanic crater dating back some 55,000 years. The island is home to…

  • Chiesa di San Stae

    San Polo & Santa Croce

    The influence of Palladio swirls around neoclassical St Eustace's Church (completed in 1709), from the dazzling white, statue-heavy facade facing the…

  • Chiesa della Gran Madre di Dio


    A grand backdrop across the Po from Piazza Vittorio Veneto, this church was built in the style of a mini-Pantheon from 1818 to 1831 to commemorate the…

  • Campo dei Mori


    Sior Rioba, a gent in an outsized turban, has been hanging out at the corner of Campo dei Mori since the Middle Ages. The square's name is a misnomer, as…

  • Santa Maria a Cetrella


    This humble 16th-century hermitage is in the valley of Cetrella, halfway up Monte Solaro. The bell tower and two barrel-vaulted naves form the oldest part…

  • Chiesa di San Bartolomeo

    Centro Storico

    Built on the ruins of the Roman temple to Aesculapius, the Graeco-Roman god of medicine, the Isola Tiberina's 10th-century church is an interesting hybrid…

  • Garibaldi Monument


    Positioned at the top of the public gardens, this statue of Italian Unification hero Giuseppe Garibaldi has him commanding a mountain with a tame-looking…

  • Chiesa di Santo Stefano


    Though not remarkable in itself, Capri’s main church, named after its patron saint, is a tempting haven from the bottlenecks of tourists on the streets…

  • Chiesa degli Eremitani


    When a 1944 bombing raid demolished the extraordinary 1448–57 frescoes by Andrea Mantegna in the Capella Overtari in the Chiesa degli Eremitani, the loss…

  • Chiesa di San Lorenzo


    Built in 1338 in Ligurian-Gothic style, the small stone church of San Lorenzo is notable for several finely made triptychs, including a 14th-century…

  • Casa del Petrarca

    The Veneto

    Italy’s great poet Petrarch (Petrarca) spent the last five years of his life in the medieval village of Arquà Petrarca, where you can visit his stone…

  • Porta Camollia


    This 16th-century gate replaced its medieval predecessor, which was the major northern entrance through Siena's medieval city walls. The structure has…

  • Statue of Christ the Redeemer


    The symbol of Maratea, visible from multiple vantage points along the coast, this 22m-high statue of Christ faces inland towards the Basilica di San…

  • Museo Criminologico

    Centro Storico

    Check out Rome’s dark side at this macabre museum of crime. Housed in a 19th-century prison, its gruesome collection includes torture devices, murder…

  • Chiesa San Matteo Apostolo

    The Amalfi Coast

    Built in 1580 and tweaked numerous times since, this is Bomerano's architectural centrepiece. The marble baptismal font dates from the second half of the…

  • Fontebranda


    The largest medieval fountain in Siena, Fontebranda was built in the 13th century and features three wide Gothic arches, crenellations and water jets in…

  • Museo Domus de Janas

    Northwestern Sardinia

    Head to the small, sleepy town of Sedini to see one of the area's best-known domus de janas (prehistoric tombs). Gouged out of a huge calcareous rock…

  • Fondazione Pastificio Cerere

    Monti, Esquilino & San Lorenzo

    A former pasta factory that hung up its spaghetti racks in 1960 after 55 years of business, this is now a contemporary art hub, with regular shows in the…

  • Teatro Romano


    The grassy ranks of seating and towering columns of Italy's finest and best-preserved Roman theatre makes this a particularly evocative archaeological…

  • Faro


    Rising above Punta Carena, Capri’s rugged southwesterly point, is the faro, Italy’s second-tallest and most powerful lighthouse. The rocks nearby are a…

  • Museo Barracco di Scultura Antica

    Centro Storico

    This little-known museum, one of the few in Rome that's free to enter, boasts a small but interesting collection of early Mediterranean art. Exhibits…

  • Ponte della Costituzione


    Avant-garde Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava’s 2008 bridge over the Grand Canal has been called many things: a fish tail, a glass tongue, pleasingly…

  • Palazzo Magnifica Comunità di Fiemme

    The Dolomites

    The modern-day Magnificent Community of Fiemme is headquartered in the wonderfully frescoed Palazzo Vescovile in Val di Fiemme’s main town of Cavalese…

  • Chiesa di San Pietro Martire

    Murano, Burano & the Northern Islands

    Take a pause from glass shopping to check out The Baptism of Christ, attributed to Tintoretto, in 16th-century St Peter the Martyr's Church. The parish…

  • Museo Paleocristiano

    Friuli Venezia Giulia

    The Early Christian Museum is an archaeological site as well as a museum, housed on the site of an ancient Christian basilica, the mosaic floor of which…

  • Roman Insula

    Ancient Rome

    At the foot of the Campidoglio, next to the Aracoeli staircase, you'll see the ruins of a 2nd-century apartment block (insula). The ground floor is…

  • Castello Normanno

    Ionian Coast

    Built in the 13th century, this dark, brooding Norman castle sits over an earlier Arab fortification. It's in surprisingly good shape considering its age,…

  • Castello Tramontano


    Situated on a hill near the town centre, this 15th-century castle was left unfinished after the unpopular Count Tramontano, seemingly unaware that high…

  • Castello di San Giusto


    Once a Roman fort, this sturdy 15th-century castle was begun by Frederick of Habsburg and finished off by blow-in Venetians. The city museum is housed…

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