Must-see attractions in Italy

  • Villa Faccanoni

    Lake Iseo

    On the riverfront a little over 1km from the centre, this lovely stile liberty villa was designed by Giuseppe Sommaruga and built in 1907. The best views…

  • Museo e Tesoro Della Cattedrale


    Down the steps right next to the duomo, this glittering museum is filled with sacred art and reliquary from the cathedral's collection, as well as…

  • Monumento ad Anita Garibaldi

    Trastevere & Gianicolo

    This dramatic monument commemorates Garibaldi's Brazilian-born wife, Anita, who died from malaria, together with their unborn child, shortly after the…

  • Museo Bandini


    The collection of early Tuscan Renaissance works inside this tiny art museum includes fine medallions by Giovanni della Robbia (c 1505–20) and Taddeo…

  • Palazzo di Bucelli


    Several mansions line Via di Gracciano nel Corso, including this palace, which has recycled Etruscan and Latin inscriptions and reliefs incorporated into…

  • Criptoportico Forense


    What remains of the city's Augustan forum mostly lies beneath the 'modern' piazza, although you can visit its colonnaded underground walkway (known as a…

  • Torre di Longonsardo

    Santa Teresa di Gallura

    The 16th-century Torre di Longonsardo is in a magnificent position, overlooking the natural deep port on one side and the entrance to the town's idyllic …

  • Museo degli Strumenti


    This museum in the Auditorium Parco della Musica showcases the 500-strong collection of historic musical instruments belonging to the Accademia di Santa…

  • Palazzo del Podestà


    Designed as part of the same 14th-century development project that gave rise to Palazzo dei Consoli, Palazzo del Podestà sits on the eastern flank of…

  • Obelisk

    Tridente, Trevi & the Quirinale

    Towering over Piazza del Popolo, this 36m-high obelisk was brought to Rome by Augustus from Heliopolis in ancient Egypt. It originally stood in the Circo…

  • Museo Etnografico

    Northwestern Tuscany

    Visit this lovely ethnographic museum, in San Pellegrino's former hospital, to learn just how little traditional mountain life has changed over the…

  • Chiesa di San Cristoforo


    Dedicated to the patron saint of travellers and a popular stop on the medieval Via Francigena pilgrims' route, this church dates from the 11th century but…

  • Chiesa di Nostra Signora di Valverde

    Southwestern Sardinia

    Next to the town cemetery, about 750m from Piazza Quintino Sella, is another of Iglesias' historic churches. It retains little of its 13th-century…

  • Madonna della Lettera


    Guarding Messina's harbour is the soaring golden statue of the Madonna della Lettera. A good spot to admire it and the harbour is from the seafront…

  • Museo del Risorgimento e della Resistenza


    Next door to Pinacoteca Nazionale, this small museum exhibits documents, proclamations and posters from the Italian unification movement and WWII, as well…

  • Arco Farnese

    Centro Storico

    An overhead arch spanning Via Giulia, the Arco Farnese was designed by Michelangelo as part of an unfinished project to connect Palazzo Farnese with Villa…

  • Cattedrale di San Romolo


    Fiesole's cathedral, begun in the 11th century, stands sentry over the central square. Look out for the glazed terracotta statue of San Romolo by Giovanni…

  • Cala Francese


    On the island's southeastern edge, this cove with clear waters and a small sandy beach is conveniently close to Lampedusa town, though the rocky bottom…

  • Tempio di Adriano

    Centro Storico

    Eleven huge Corinthian columns are all that's left of the 2nd-century Tempio di Adriano. The temple formerly housed Rome’s stock exchange and is now used…

  • Acropoli


    Behind Gela's archaeological museum, you can see the scant remains of the city's ancient Greek acropolis. Adding little to the atmosphere are the belching…

  • Tempio di Portunus

    Ancient Rome

    This classic Republican-era temple dedicated to the god of rivers and ports, Portunus, owes its current state of preservation to the fact that it was…

  • Chiesa di Sant'Agostino

    Northwestern Tuscany

    The far end of Piazza del Duomo is dominated by the 13th-century stone hulk of this deconsecrated church. Once dedicated to St Augustine, today the…

  • Roman Ruins


    In addition to the unmissable Arco d'Augusto, you can see the remains of a Roman aqueduct and a still-used amphitheatre here, along with a druid well that…

  • Castle

    Western Sicily

    Just in from the waterfront, the ragged remains of Count Roger's Norman castle have definitely seen better days, but their forlorn ruination is…

  • Museo Archeologico

    Southeastern Sardinia

    Villasimius’ archaeology museum harbours a small but interesting collection of Roman and Phoenician artefacts, as well as various odds and ends recovered…

  • Logge del Papa


    This handsome Renaissance style structure next to the Chiesa di San Martino was commissioned by Pope Pius II (Enea Silvio Piccolomini) and built in 1462.

  • Chiesa di San Francesco

    Promontorio del Gargano

    Dominated by a huge rose window, the Gothic Chiesa di San Francesco, contemporaneous with Lucera's cathedral, incorporates recycled materials from Lucera…

  • Casino dei Principi


    Casino dei Principi, one of the three seats of the Musei Villa Torlonia, houses the archive of the Scuola Romana (Roman School of Art) and opens only to…

  • Il Castello


    Apart from a few loose rocks and low crenellated walls, there is nothing left of Il Castello, a Norman castle built atop the old Arab citadel that once…

  • Nuraghe Is Paras

    Eastern Sardinia

    About 20km south of Laconi, by the sports centre in Isili, the Nuraghe Is Paras is notable for its striking tholos (beehive-shaped cone), which at 11.8m…

  • Monte Scoine

    Eastern Sardinia

    Rearing above the landscape like a bishop’s mitre, the crag of Monte Scoine attracts climbers to its bolted routes (4b to 6b), especially in summer when…

  • Old Town

    Southern Tuscany

    Porto Ercole's centro storico stretches up the hillside, past the sandwiched-in Chiesa di Sant'Erasmo and up towards the largest of the three Spanish…

  • Museo del Tessile e del Costume


    Housed in Palazzo Rosari-Spada, this museum holds a collection of antique noble finery from the 15th to the 20th century, donated from the wardrobes of…

  • Chiesa di San Vincenzo


    A major Stromboli landmark, San Vincenzo is the island's main church. In mid- to late afternoon, the square out front becomes a gathering point for…

  • Palazzo dell'Università


    Flanking the western edge of Piazza dell'Università, this handsome palazzo includes a courtyard designed by Giovanni Battista Vaccarini. The building…

  • Porta Ercolano


    One of Pompeii's ancient city gates, Porta Ercolano was designed with three passageways. While the central one was used for vehicles, the two peripheral…

  • Saracen Castle


    Perched atop Monte Tauro are the (inaccessible) ruins of this castle, built between the 11th and 12th centuries. The castle sits on the former site of…

  • Museo Civico


    Upstairs at Monastero di Santo Spirito, the small Museo Civico is worth a quick visit as much for the views over the Valley of the Temples as its poorly…

  • Arengario


    This archway built around 1300 links two palaces with a covered walkway above the street. Look up as you pass beneath the arch to see iron rings on which…

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