Must-see attractions in Italy

  • Teatro Rendano


    Built in the late 19th century, the Rendano is a leading Calabrian venue for opera and classical music.

  • Chiesa di San Lussorio

    Eastern Sardinia

    The blessedly simple 14th-century Chiesa di San Lussorio is one of Oliena's wonderful old churches.

  • Villa Saporiti


    An 18th-century lakeside villa, now owned by the provincial government and closed to the public.

  • Chiesa di San Rocco

    Central Sicily

    The facade of this 17th-century church is graced by a magnificently carved, tuff-stone portal.

  • Temple F

    Western Sicily

    Now reduced to a massive pile of rubble, Temple F is one of Selinunte's three eastern temples.

  • Farmacia Provenzana


    Now housing a cosmetics and fragrance shop, this beautifully decorated pharmacy dates to 1814.

  • Beach

    Murano, Burano & the Northern Islands

    A small beach near the Torre Massimiliana, with a seasonal bar serving coffee and pizza.

  • Torre dei Balivi


    This former 12th-century prison once formed a significant corner of Aosta's Roman wall.

  • Municipio


    Oristano's town hall overlooks the elegant focal square, Piazza Eleonora d'Arborea.

  • Porta Torre


    The southern gate in Como's defensive walls, bordered by a 40m 12th-century tower.

  • Casa Farris


    Casa Farris is a 15th-century townhouse now occupied by a women's clothing shop.

  • Passeggio del Prato


    This city park was clearly created with mellow, early evening walks in mind.

  • Palazzo Platamone


    A handsome palazzo on the western flank of airy Piazza Archimede.

  • Palazzo Ciampoli


    The 14th-century Palazzo Ciampoli stands adjacent to the Hotel El Jebel.

  • San Bartolomeo


    This classic Romanesque church in Campobasso dates to the 13th century.

  • Tempio di Iside


    The pre-Roman Tempio di Iside was a popular place of cult worship.

  • Porta Capuana


    One of Naples' old city gates, Porta Capuana dates back to 1484.

  • Arco di Augusto


    This squat and rather austere triumphal arch was built in 25BC.

  • Foro Triangolare


    The Foro Triangolare would originally have overlooked the sea.

  • Porta all'Arco


    City gate built by the Etruscans in the 4th century BC.

  • Italy, Venice, Certosa island, moored boats

    Vento di Venezia

    Murano, Burano & the Northern Islands

    La Certosa’s yacht marina complex includes a hotel, an alfresco restaurant-bar and a sailing club, which runs regattas and a summer sail camp for children.

  • Chiesa di San Bartolomeo


    German traders only had to walk a block from the trading floor of the Fondaco dei Tedeschi to pray for an upswing in the market for their goods. Through…

  • Mausoleo di Augusto

    Tridente, Trevi & the Quirinale

    This monumental mausoleum – a dramatic 45m wide and 90m high – was built in 28 BC and is the final resting place of Augustus, buried here in AD 14, and…

  • Lago di Pergusa


    Surrounded by woodland about 9km south of town is one of Sicily's few natural lakes. It's a popular summer hang-out with a few compact beaches, big resort…

  • Palazzo Massari


    This early Renaissance palace houses three museums: the Museo Giovanni Boldini, dedicated solely to Ferrara-born Giovanni Boldini; the Museo dell…

  • Ponte de le Tette

    San Polo & Santa Croce

    ‘Tits Bridge’ got its name in the late 15th century, when neighbourhood prostitutes were encouraged to display their wares in windows instead of taking…

  • Castello di Moncalieri


    The 12th-century Castello di Moncalieri was the first fortress built by Thomas I of Savoy just south of the centre of Turin, commanding the southern…

  • Ghetto degli Ebrei


    Cagliari's medieval Ghetto degli Ebrei was situated in the cramped area between Via Santa Croce and Via Stretta. The city's Jewry lived here until they…

  • Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II

    Monti, Esquilino & San Lorenzo

    Laid out in the late 19th century as the centrepiece of an upmarket residential district, Rome’s largest square is an ill-kempt grassy expanse, surrounded…

  • Museo dell'Opera del Duomo


    Closed for extensive (seemingly everlasting) renovation, this museum is a repository for works of art once displayed in the duomo and battistero…

  • Palazzo Cenci

    Centro Storico

    A real-life house of horrors, Palazzo Cenci was the scene of one of the 16th century’s most infamous crimes, the murder of Francesco Cenci by his long…

  • Casa Natale di Sant’Ignazio

    Eastern Sardinia

    Tucked down a cobbled lane, this simple two-roomed house is where St Ignatius was apparently born (he died in 1781). The back room, with its low wood…

  • Basilica di Santa Pudenziana

    Monti, Esquilino & San Lorenzo

    The church of Rome’s Filipino community contains a sparkling 4th-century apse mosaic, the oldest of its kind in the city. An enthroned Christ is flanked…

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