Must-see attractions in Lazio

  • Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II

    Monti, Esquilino & San Lorenzo

    Laid out in the late 19th century as the centrepiece of an upmarket residential district, Rome’s largest square is an ill-kempt grassy expanse, surrounded…

  • Palazzo Cenci

    Centro Storico

    A real-life house of horrors, Palazzo Cenci was the scene of one of the 16th century’s most infamous crimes, the murder of Francesco Cenci by his long…

  • Basilica di Santa Pudenziana

    Monti, Esquilino & San Lorenzo

    The church of Rome’s Filipino community contains a sparkling 4th-century apse mosaic, the oldest of its kind in the city. An enthroned Christ is flanked…

  • Porta Maggiore

    Monti, Esquilino & San Lorenzo

    Porta Maggiore was built by order of the Emperor Claudius in AD 52. Then, as now, it was a major road junction under which passed the two main southbound…

  • Lapis Niger

    Ancient Rome

    Hidden by scaffolding on the Roman Forum, the Lapis Niger ('Black Stone' in Latin) is a large slab of black marble that covered an underground area said…

  • Porta del Popolo

    Tridente, Trevi & the Quirinale

    On the northern flank of Piazza del Popolo, the Porta del Popolo was created by Bernini in 1655 to celebrate Queen Christina of Sweden's defection to…

  • Complesso Monumentale Santo Spirito in Sassia

    Vatican City, Borgo & Prati

    Originally an 8th-century lodging for Saxon pilgrims, this ancient hospital complex was established by Pope Innocent III in the late 12th century. Three…

  • Museo Archeologico


    In the Auditorium Parco della Musica, this small archaeological museum is dedicated to the ancient Roman villa that was unearthed during construction of…

  • Trofei di Mario

    Monti, Esquilino & San Lorenzo

    These ruins are the remains of a monumentally grandiose fountain built by emperor Alexander Severus to mark the end of an aqueduct. This principle of a…

  • Ponte Rotto

    Centro Storico

    Visible to the south of the Isola Tiberina are the remains of the Pons Aemilius, ancient Rome’s first stone bridge. Dating to the 2nd century BC, it was…

  • Palazzo dei Congressi

    Southern Rome

    Rome's Congress Palace was constructed for the 1942 Universal Exposition, and hosted the fencing during the 1960 Olympics. The enormous terrace above the…

  • Chiesa Santi Pietro e Paolo

    Southern Rome

    Work started on this enormous white travertine and umber brick pile in 1939 for the Esposizione Universale di Roma (Roman Universal Exhibition), but didn…

  • Palazzo dello Sport

    Southern Rome

    This covered stadium was built for the 1960 Olympics and still hosts sporting and entertainment events today, with a capacity of around 12,000.

  • Fontana del Mascherone

    Centro Storico

    At the southern end of Via Giulia, the Fontana del Mascherone is a 17th-century fountain showing what looks like a gormless hippy surprised by water…

  • Basilica di Santa Maria in Montesanto

    Tridente, Trevi & the Quirinale

    This baroque church on the southern approach to Piazza del Popolo was designed by Carlo Rainaldi in the 17th century.

  • Chiesa di Sant’Eusebio

    Monti, Esquilino & San Lorenzo

    This small church, set back off the square, is popular with pet owners who bring their animals to be blessed on St Anthony’s feast day (17 January).

  • Palazzo di Giustizia

    Vatican City, Borgo & Prati

    This vast landmark palazzo, built to a neo-baroque style between 1888 and 1911, is the seat of Italy's highest court, the Court of Cassation.

  • Palazzo Odescalchi

    Tridente, Trevi & the Quirinale

    The western length of Piazza Santi Apostoli is dominated by the 17th-century facade of Palazzo Odescalchi, spilt into apartments today.

  • Palatino Entrance

    Ancient Rome

    About 250m down from the Colosseum, this is the main entrance/exit for the Palatino (Palatine Hill).

  • Roman Forum Entrance

    Ancient Rome

    The main entrance/exit for the Roman Forum is just off Via dei Fori Imperiali.