Must-see attractions in Mexico

  • Pirámide Tepanapa


    The incredible Pirámide Tepanapa looks more like a hill than a pyramid, but it's still the town's big draw, and with miles of tunnels veining the inside…

  • Guadalajara Cathedral.

    Catedral de Guadalajara


    Guadalajara’s cathedral is the city’s most conspicuous landmark with distinctive neo-Gothic towers built after an earthquake toppled the originals in…

  • Guachimontones Archaeological Site


    Just 40km west of Guadalajara is the fascinating and distinctive archaeological site known as Guachimontones – one of the only ancient ruins in the world…

  • A woman walking toward the Church of Santo Domingo de Guzman, Oaxaca, Mexico.

    Templo de Santo Domingo

    Oaxaca City

    Gorgeous Santo Domingo is the most splendid of Oaxaca’s churches, with a finely carved baroque facade and nearly every square centimeter inside decorated…

  • Interior of Morelia Cathedral.

    Morelia Cathedral


    Morelia’s cathedral, considered by many to be the country's most beautiful, dominates the city center, where it flanks rather than faces the central plaza…

  • Horno 3, a blast furnace turned museum located in Parque Fundidora in Monterrey.



    Blast Furnace No 3 in the former industrial site of the Parque Fundidora has been converted into Horno3, an exceptionally impressive high-tech, hands-on…

  • House Studio Museum of Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo.

    Museo Casa Estudio Diego Rivera y Frida Kahlo

    Coyoacán & San Ángel

    If you saw the movie Frida (2002), you’ll recognize this museum, designed by Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera's friend, architect and painter Juan O’Gorman…

  • Santa Prisca Church, Taxco, Mexico.

    Templo de Santa Prisca


    The icon of Taxco, Santa Prisca is one of Mexico’s most beautiful and striking pieces of baroque architecture. Its standout feature (best viewed side-on)…

  • Leon Trotsky grave with the Soviet symbol in his House Museum in Mexico City.

    Museo Casa de León Trotsky

    Coyoacán & San Ángel

    The Trotsky home, now a museum, remains much as it was on the day when one of Stalin's agents, a Catalan named Ramón Mercader, caught up with the…

  • Gran Museo del Mundo Maya


    A world-class museum celebrating Maya culture, the Gran Museo houses a permanent collection of more than 1100 remarkably well-preserved artifacts,…

  • The Basílica de Zapopan.

    Basílica de Zapopan


    One of the city's most important churches, the Basílica de Zapopan, built in 1730, is home to Nuestra Señora de Zapopan, a petite statue of the Virgin…

  • Sunset over the pacific ocean from a hill in Punta Cometa, Mazunte, Mexico.

    Punta Cometa


    This rocky cape, jutting out from the west end of Mazunte beach, is the southernmost point in the state of Oaxaca and a fabulous place to hike at sunset…

  • Cosmovitral Botanical Garden in Toluca, Mexico is surrounded by stained glass.

    Cosmovitral Jardín Botánico


    At the northeast end of Plaza Garibay, the stunning and unique Cosmovitral Jardín Botánico was built in 1909 as a market. The building now houses 3500 sq…

  • Pyramid of the Moon, Teotihuacan, Mexico.

    Pirámide de la Luna


    The Pyramid of the Moon, at the north end of the Calzada de los Muertos, is smaller than the Pirámide del Sol, but more gracefully proportioned. Completed…

  • Overlooking Monterrey, Mexico from Parque Ecológico Chipinque.

    Parque Ecológico Chipinque


    This stunning mountainside reserve is just 12km from downtown Monterrey. There's great hiking and mountain-biking on over 60km of well-marked trails…

  • Museo Histórico de Acapulco at Fort San Diego.

    Museo Histórico de Acapulco


    The Fuerte de San Diego is home to this excellent 15-room museum, an enjoyable romp through history of the region, from its settlement by various pre…

  • Museo Robert Brady


    Let’s face it, who wouldn’t want to be independently wealthy and spend their life traveling around the world collecting art for their lavish Mexican…

  • Quetzalcoatl Pyramid Temple at Teotihuacan Ruins.

    Templo de Quetzalcóatl


    Teotihuacán's third-largest pyramid is the most ornate. The four surviving steps of the facade (there were originally seven) are adorned with striking…

  • Paseo Santa Lucia, Monterrey, Mexico.

    Paseo Santa Lucía


    The stunning 2.3km promenade of Paseo Santa Lucía is a world-class example of urban regeneration. This (artificial) river forms a turquoise ribbon through…

  • Museo de Historia Mexicana in Monterrey.

    Museo de Historia Mexicana


    This sleek modernist museum on the Plaza 400 Años presents an extensive but easily manageable chronological history of Mexico. In the heart of the museum…

  • View of the Main Plaza (Zocalo) of the city of Veracruz in Mexico.


    Veracruz City

    Any exploration of Veracruz has to begin with its zócalo (also called the Plaza de Armas and Plaza Lerdo), the city’s unofficial outdoor ‘stage’ where…

  • Reserva de la Biosfera Pantanos de Centla


    This 3030-sq-km biosphere reserve protects a good part of the wetlands around the lower reaches of two of Mexico’s biggest rivers, the Usumacinta and the…

  • Dunas de yeso, the gypsum dunes of Cuatro Ciénegas in Coahuila, Mexico.

    Dunas de Yeso

    Northeast Mexico

    Located within the Cuatrociénegas Reserve, these blinding-white gypsum sand dunes – the second largest in North America – contrast superbly with the six…

  • Puebla Cathedral.

    Catedral de Puebla


    Puebla’s impressive cathedral, which appeared on Mexico’s M$500 bill until 2019, occupies the entire block south of the zócalo. Its architecture is a…

  • Exterior of the Museo Federico Silva located at the Jardín San Juan de Dios in San Luis Potosí, Mexico.

    Museo Federico Silva

    San Luis Potosí

    This excellent museum devoted to the work of Mexican artist Federico Silva (b 1923) should not be missed. The 17th-century building was once a hospital…

  • El Cuajilote


    Only discovered in the early 1990s, this beautiful site dates back to AD 600–900 and was once home to peoples unknown. It consists of temples, platforms…

  • Templo de las Chimeneas, a pyramid at the archaeology site of Cempoala.



    The remains of a major Totonac settlement of around 30,000 people date back to around AD 1200 and sit on the outskirts of modern-day Zempoala, reachable…

  • Government Palace, Tlaxcala.

    Palacio de Gobierno

    East of Mexico City

    Inside the Palacio de Gobierno there are color-rich murals of Tlaxcala's history by Desiderio Hernández Xochitiotzin. His style is vividly realistic and…

  • Rows of shoe shine booths at the Plaza Republica square outside the Church of Immaculate Conception in the historic old town of Mazatlan, Mexico.

    Old Mazatlán


    Mazatlán's restored old town is a picturesque compendium of noble 19th-century buildings and pretty plazas. It's set back from Playa Olas Altas, a small…

  • Zona Arqueológica de Iglesia Vieja


    Believed to be the regional capital of the Zoque during the Classic period, these ruins were inhabited between AD 250 and AD 400. The site's most…

  • Valley of the Monks.

    Valle de los Monjes

    The Copper Canyon & Ferrocarril Chihuahua Pacífico

    Around 7km east of San Ignacio's town center, through verdant farmland, is the Valle de los Monjes. A spectacular outcrop of vertical red rock formations…

  • Museo Internacional del Barroco


    This monumental white, architecturally spectacular museum is dedicated to the showy baroque movement – art, fashion, music and literature. The museum,…

  • Na Bolom

    San Cristóbal de las Casas

    An atmospheric museum-research center, Na Bolom for many years was the home of Swiss anthropologist and photographer Gertrude Duby-Blom (Trudy Blom; 1901…

  • The Pyramid of the Niches at the EL Tajin archeological site.

    Pirámide de los Nichos


    El Tajín’s most emblematic structure, the beautifully proportioned Pyramid of the Niches, is just off the Plaza Menor. The six lower levels, each…

  • The Arch and Land's End at sunset, Cabo San Lucas.

    Land’s End

    Cabo San Lucas

    Land’s End is the most impressive attraction in Cabo. Hop on a panga (skiff), kayak or stand-up paddleboard and head to El Arco (the Arch), a jagged…

  • The beach of Bahía Concepción, Baja California Sur.

    Bahía Concepción


    One of the most stunningly beautiful stretches of coast in Baja for its blue-green waters, white sandy coves and lack of construction. Great for kayaking…

  • Exterior of the Museo Nacional de la Máscara located in the historic Plaza del Carmen in San Luis Potosí, Mexico.

    Museo Nacional de la Máscara

    San Luis Potosí

    This superb museum displays a fascinating collection of ceremonial masks from across Mexico and around the world, and does a good job at explaining the…

  • A gray whale breaches in San Ignacio Lagoon, Mexico.

    Laguna San Ignacio

    Southern Baja

    Along with Laguna Ojo de Liebre and Bahía Magdalena, Laguna San Ignacio is one of the Pacific coast’s major winter whale-watching sites. The Mexican…

  • Paddle boarding (SUP) off the island of Espiritu Santo, a Unesco Biosphere Reserve in the Gulf of California, Mexico.

    Espíritu Santo

    La Paz

    A treasure trove of shallow azure inlets and sorbet-pink cliffs, Espíritu Santo is one of La Paz’s gems. It’s part of a Unesco World Heritage site…

  • Locals relaxing on Marimba Park's benches in front of the picturesque bandstand in Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Mexico.

    Jardín de la Marimba


    To take your evening paseo (stroll) with the locals, stop by this leafy plaza, just eight blocks west of Plaza Cívica. The whole city seems to turn out…

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