Must-see attractions in Mexico

  • Palacio Municipal


    Tapachula's squat town hall sits at the northern end of the plaza.

  • Playa Condesa


    This central Acapulco beach is backed by high-rise hotels.

  • Capilla de Loreto

    San Luis Potosí

    A Jesuit chapel from 1700 with unusual twisted pillars.

  • Lighthouse

    Isla Mujeres

    Affords views from the island's southern end.

  • Lighthouse

    Isla Mujeres

    Lighthouse on the island's northern end.

  • San Gervasio Ruins

    San Gervasio Ruins

    Isla Cozumel

    This overpriced Maya complex is Cozumel’s only preserved ruin. It's thought to have been the location of the sanctuary of Ixchel, goddess of fertility,…

  • Ex-Hacienda de San Juan Chinameca

    South of Mexico City

    In 1919 Zapata was lured into a fatal trap here by Colonel Jesús Guajardo, following the orders of President Venustiano Carranza, who was eager to…

  • Museo Manuel M. Ponce


    This small five-roomed museum is a touching tribute to the musician, Manuel M Ponce, a well-traveled, intellectual Mexican, whose best-known score…

  • Museo José Alfredo Jiménez

    Dolores Hidalgo

    If you don't know of José Alfredo Jiménez before you come to Dolores, you will by the time you leave. The king of música ranchera is beloved by Mexicans…

  • Museo de María Félix


    Movie star María Félix (known simply as 'La Doña', and often dubbed Mexico's Marilyn Monroe) is the town's most famous daughter, and this museum is…

  • Torre Mayor

    Zona Rosa & Reforma

    The Torre Mayor stands like a sentinel before the gate to Bosque de Chapultepec. The green-glass tower soars 225m above the capital. The earthquake…

  • Museo de la Ciudad


    Named after Spain’s King Carlos II, the Baluarte de San Carlos houses the Museo de la Ciudad. Its rather pathetic exhibitions include a chained pirate in…

  • Museo Historico Regional de Ensenada


    Built in 1886 and once the Aduana Marítima de Ensenada, the city's oldest public building now houses this historical and cultural museum. It has a…

  • Museo de la Cuenca del Usumacinta


    If it's open, the one-roomed Museo de la Cuenca del Usumacinta, opposite the immigration office, has some information in Spanish on the area’s…

  • Museo de la Lucha para la Tierra

    South of Mexico City

    In Anenecuilco, 6km south of Cuautla, what’s left of the adobe cottage where Zapata was born (on August 8, 1879) is now the Museo de la Lucha para la…

  • 1a Sección

    Polanco & Bosque de Chapultepec

    Most of the major attractions of Bosque de Chapultepec are in or near this eastern (and oldest) section, including the Museo Nacional de Historia,…

  • Mercado González Ortega


    This impressive 1880s iron-columned building used to hold Zacatecas' main market. In the 1980s the upper level was renovated into an upscale shopping…

  • Palacio de Gobierno

    San Luis Potosí

    The neoclassical Palacio de Gobierno was built between 1770 and 1816. Its most illustrious lodger was Benito Juárez – first in 1863 when he was fleeing…

  • Torre BBVA Bancomer

    Zona Rosa & Reforma

    Across from the Torre Mayor is the Torre BBVA Bancomer, a bank's 50-story skyscraper that became Mexico's tallest building upon its completion in 2015,…

  • Monumento a Álvaro Obregón

    Coyoacán & San Ángel

    This monument in La Bombilla park in San Ángel is the work of Mexican sculptor Ignacio Asúnsolo and dates from 1935 to commemorate the murder of President…

  • Museo Othóniano

    San Luis Potosí

    Behind the cathedral, this museum is the birthplace of much-celebrated Mexican poet, Manuel José Othón (1858–1906). The 19th-century home is furnished in…

  • Museo Comunitario Balaa Xtee Guech Gulal

    Teotitlán del Valle

    Facing the Mercado de Artesanías on the central plaza, this interesting community-run museum displays local archaeological finds as well as exhibits on…

  • Palacio Municipal

    San Luis Potosí

    The 19th-century Palacio Municipal features powerful stone arches. Finished in 1838, it was the home of Bishop Ignacio Montes de Oca from 1892 to 1915…

  • Estatua Ecuestre al Patriota Morelos


    Plaza Morelos, an irregular, conspicuously vacant plaza southeast of the center, surrounds this majestic statue of Morelos on horseback, sculpted by…

  • Torre Reforma

    Zona Rosa & Reforma

    This 246m (807ft), 57-story, wedge-shaped tower became Mexico City's tallest building when it opened in 2016, displacing the Torre BBVA Bancomer (235m…

  • Tribuna Monumental de las Águilas

    Polanco & Bosque de Chapultepec

    This 'Fallen Eagle Monument,' known also as 'el Tribuna Monumental,' is an obelisk dedicated to fallen Mexican soldiers who joined the Allies in the…

  • Iglesia de La Compañía

    Oaxaca City

    Finely carved facades adorn the colonial Iglesia de La Compañía on the opposite side of the Zócalo to the cathedral.

  • Bodega Quetzalli

    Oaxaca City

    The second exhibition space of leading commercial gallery Galería Quetzalli.

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