Must-see attractions in Copper Canyon & Northern Mexico

  • Parroquia de la Purísima Concepción


    Álamos’ parish church is the tallest building in town. It was built between 1786 and 1804 and its altar rail, lamps, censers and candelabra were all…

  • Parque la Huasteca


    About 10km west of Monterrey’s city center, this spectacular canyon is studded dramatically with 300m-tall rock formations and gorgeous desert landscapes…

  • Valle de las Ranas y los Hongos

    The Copper Canyon & Ferrocarril Chihuahua Pacífico

    San Ignacio's main road leads into the Valle de las Ranas y los Hongos, 2km from the western edge of town and named for its respectively fat-and-squashed…

  • Punta Chueca

    Bahía de Kino

    This village is home to the Seri people, one of Mexico's smallest indigenous groups (fewer than 1000 people). The Seri are known for their handicrafts,…

  • El Mirador


    This magnificent lookout tops a hill on Álamos’ southeastern edge, affording sweeping views of the town and its mountainous surroundings. It’s accessible…

  • Museo del Palacio de Saltillo

    Northeast Mexico

    Located within the Palacio de Gobierno, this sleek museum focuses on the history of the Coahuila with an emphasis on the state governors. Exhibits include…

  • Iglesia del Santo Madero

    Northeast Mexico

    This deeply striking church perched precariously on the rocky outcrop on the south edge of town has – once you’ve undergone the steep-but-rewarding 293…

  • Misión San Ignacio

    The Copper Canyon & Ferrocarril Chihuahua Pacífico

    This simple stone church was built in the 18th century as a Jesuit mission, used to periodically give mass to, well, the masses. No priest lived here full…

  • La Casa del Mar

    Bahía de Kino

    This visitor center services the 900-island Área de Protección de Flora y Fauna Islas del Golfo de California, a biodiverse protected area of islands in…

  • Aconchi Hot Springs


    Just 4km outside of the Aconchi is a set of man-made pools, naturally filled with water from hot springs. Said to be medicinal, they are, at the very…

  • Museo Costumbrista de Sonora


    This well-done museum of Sonoran customs has extensive exhibits (all in Spanish) on the history and traditions of the state. Special attention is paid to…

  • Plaza Zaragoza


    A shady park, Plaza Zaragoza hosts many concerts and special events. The centerpiece of the plaza – and the larger Macroplaza – is a 70m-tall, red…

  • Plaza 400 Años


    This plaza, graced with fountains and pools, forms an impressive approach to the sleek, modernist Museo de Historia Mexicana and the Museo del Noreste. It…

  • Catedral de Saltillo

    Northeast Mexico

    Built between 1745 and 1800, Saltillo’s cathedral has one of Mexico’s finest Churrigueresque facades, with columns of elaborately carved, pale-gray stone…

  • Museo de Batopilas

    The Copper Canyon & Ferrocarril Chihuahua Pacífico

    Offers a good overview of the town’s history with a mock-up of a silver mine and some interesting photos and artifacts. English-speaking director Rafael…

  • Museo Metropolitano de Monterrey


    A small museum inside Monterrey's original city hall, the Museo Metropolitano showcases the history of the city, from it's founding in 1596 to the present…

  • Cholla Bay


    Located about 12km west of Puerto Peñasco, Cholla Bay is a fishing village turned expat enclave with sand roads and quiet, calm beaches. At low tide, the…

  • Catedral Metropolitano de Monterrey


    Just north of MARCO on the Macroplaza is the baroque facade of the Catedral Metropolitano de Monterrey, built in stages between about 1663 and the 1899…

  • Cocóspera Mission Church


    Built in 1695 Jesuit missionaries, this mission church was burned down by Apaches just three years later. Continual attacks eventually led to the…

  • Museo de Arte Popular de Chihuahua

    The Copper Canyon & Ferrocarril Chihuahua Pacífico

    Offers excellent exhibits with text in English on local history and Rarámuri culture and crafts. Here you’ll see gorgeous woven baskets, traditional…

  • Explanada de los Héroes


    Explanada de los Héroes has statues of Mexican national heroes in each corner. It's the most formal and traditional of the spaces in the Macroplaza and…

  • Parque Hundido


    Public square, forum for art, garden and green spaces all fuse to form Monterrey's unique Parque Hundido.

  • Cerro Tetakawi


    Offers stunning views from atop this peak roughly half way between the marina and Playa Algodones.

  • Hacienda San Miguel

    The Copper Canyon & Ferrocarril Chihuahua Pacífico

    Once the home and offices of Alexander Shepherd, an American politician who made a fortune in silver mining, the Hacienda San Miguel was built on a very…

  • Bodegas Ferriño

    Northeast Mexico

    This winery, one of the oldest in the Americas, was founded by an Italian immigrant, Don Miguel Ferriño Lander, in 1860. It's known for its 'Sangre de…

  • Museo Salas Carranza

    Northeast Mexico

    Tucked inside the Palacio de Gobierno, this small museum is dedicated to Saltillo and it's place in Mexico's history. Guides walk visitors through the…

  • Palacio de Gobierno


    Inaugurated in 1908, the stunning neoclassical Palacio de Gobernio is the longtime seat of state politics. Located on the Macroplaza, It's also home to…

  • Museo Mirador El Fuerte

    The Copper Canyon & Ferrocarril Chihuahua Pacífico

    This curiously designed museum, built to look like the town's original fort, has a moderate collection of exhibits – many closer to knickknacks –…

  • Panteón Municipal


    Álamos’ ancient cemetery is a jumble of above-ground tombs, elaborate headstones made of pastel-hued crosses and angel statues, and tall palm trees. It's…

  • Casa de la Cultura

    Northeast Mexico

    Located in the former home of Venustiano Carranza, a revolutionary leader turned Mexican president, this simple museum has a small but interesting display…

  • Vinos El Vesubio

    Northeast Mexico

    Founded in 1891, this quaint winery is known for its artisanal sweet red wines. Tours take visitors through its homegrown production process, a few barrel…

  • Biblioteca Central


    Monterrey's modernist central library is an architectural landmark along the Macroplaza, bringing to mind a reimagined Roman stadium. It hosts lectures…

  • Antiguo Palacio Federal


    Overlooking little Plaza Cinco de Mayo is the grand facade of the 1928 Antiguo Palacio Federal, an art deco beauty that was once the tallest building in…

  • Mina de Mármol

    Northeast Mexico

    Massive slabs of marble, some of it encrusted with fossils of fish and other marine life that swam in this valley when it was an ocean, greet you at this…

  • Museo de María Félix


    Movie star María Félix (known simply as 'La Doña', and often dubbed Mexico's Marilyn Monroe) is the town's most famous daughter, and this museum is…