Must-see attractions in Northern Central Highlands

  • Parador Turístico Sangre de Cristo


    Three museums are sited in one impressively designed complex in the hills above Guanajuato. One collection explores the mining history of the region. The…

  • Museo del Ferrocarril

    San Luis Potosí

    Once an important stop on two of Mexico's main train lines, San Luis Potosí has cleverly brought the past to life in this museum housed inside its…

  • Museo Toma de Zacatecas


    This museum memorializes the 1914 battle fought on the slopes of the Cerro de la Bufa in which the revolutionary División del Norte, led by Pancho Villa…

  • Peña de Bernal

    Northern Central Highlands

    This 350m-high rock spire is the third-largest monolith in the world and is considered mystical by many Mexicans. During the vernal equinox thousands of…

  • Museo de Arte de Querétaro


    Querétaro's art museum, adjacent to the Templo de San Agustín, occupies a splendid baroque monastery built between 1731 and 1748. It's worth visiting to…

  • Teatro Hinojosa

    Northern Central Highlands

    Construction of this remarkable and very beautiful building is said to have taken place over two decades, thanks to the organization of a local Don…

  • Cristo Rey


    Cristo Rey (Christ the King) is a 20m bronze statue of Jesus erected in 1950 on the summit of the Cerro de Cubilete, 15km west of Guanajuato. The location…

  • Biblioteca Pública

    San Miguel de Allende

    As well as housing one of the largest collections of books and magazines in English in Latin America, this excellent public library functions as a…

  • Los Micos

    La Huasteca Potosina

    One of the most visited of Huasteca Potosina's falls it may be, but there's a reason for that: here seven waterfalls of different heights cascade down a…

  • Capilla de la Virgen del Patrocinio


    Named after the patron saint of miners, this 18th-century chapel has a holy image of the Virgen del Patrocinio above its altar that is said to be capable…

  • Centro de las Artes Centenario

    San Luis Potosí

    Up until 1999, this striking building was a prison believed to have briefly held Francisco Madero. Ten years later, it was transformed – without losing…

  • Mission Church

    Northern Central Highlands

    Constructed by Franciscan monks and their indigenous converts in the 1750s, the original of the five missions in the Sierra Gorda is in the middle of the…

  • Templo del Carmen

    San Luis Potosí

    The Churrigueresque Templo del Carmen (1749−64) is San Luis's most spectacular structure. On the vividly carved stone facade, hovering angels show the…

  • Puente de Dios

    La Huasteca Potosina

    Around 5km northeast of Tamasopo along a rough road, Puente de Dios features a 600m-long wooden walkway with stunning rainforest views and fabulous…

  • Templo de Santa Rosa de Viterbo


    The 18th-century Templo de Santa Rosa de Viterbo is Querétaro's most splendid baroque church, with its pagoda-like bell tower, unusual exterior paintwork,…

  • Catedral

    San Luis Potosí

    This impressive three-nave baroque cathedral was built between 1660 and 1730. Originally it had just one tower; the northern tower was added in the 20th…

  • Callejón del Beso


    Narrowest of the many alleyways in Guanajuato's streets is this callejón, where the balconies of two houses practically touch. In a local legend, a fine…

  • Museo Bicentenario 1810–2010

    Dolores Hidalgo

    Previously the Presidencia Municipal, this museum was inaugurated in 2010 for Mexico's bicentennial celebrations. Despite its name, the majority of its…

  • Universidad de Guanajuato


    The main building of this university, whose ramparts are visible above much of the city, is one block up the hill from the basilica. The distinctive…

  • Templo de la Concepción

    San Miguel de Allende

    A splendid church with a fine altar and several magnificent old oil paintings. Painted on the interior doorway are a number of wise sayings to give pause…

  • Hidalgo Statue

    Dolores Hidalgo

    The town's main square naturally boasts a statue of the man himself, Hidalgo (in Roman garb, on top of a tall column). Here too is a tree that, according…

  • Templo de San Francisco


    Templo de San Francisco was built in 1741 in a late baroque style, as noted in its decorative motifs and stone entrance, though neoclassical features were…

  • Capilla de la Tercera Orden

    San Miguel de Allende

    Built in the early 18th century, this chapel, like the Templo de San Francisco, was part of a Franciscan monastery complex. The main facade shows St…

  • El Chorro

    San Miguel de Allende

    El Chorro was the spring where San Miguel was founded. Today it gushes out of a fountain built in 1960, and there are public washing tubs here that are…

  • Museo Regional de Querétaro


    The ground floor of this museum holds interesting exhibits on pre-Hispanic Mexico, archaeological sites, the Spanish occupation and the state's various…

  • Ex-Hacienda San Gabriel de Barrera


    To escape Guanajuato's narrow streets, head to this magnificent colonial home that is now a museum with tranquil and attractive gardens. Built at the end…

  • Plaza de Armas


    The city's main plaza is north of the cathedral and although normally quiet in the day it buzzes at night with families promenading, children playing and…

  • Ex-Templo de San Agustín


    The Ex-Templo de San Agustín was built for Augustinian monks in the 17th century. During the 19th-century anticlerical movement, the church became a…

  • Tamtoc

    La Huasteca Potosina

    The important Huastec ceremonial center of Tamtoc flourished from AD 700 to 1500. Today it’s one of the few maintained Huastec sites. The cleared part of…

  • Museo de la Independencia Nacional

    Dolores Hidalgo

    Although this museum has few relics, it has plenty of information on the independence movement. The exhibition spans seven rooms and charts the appalling…

  • Museo Zacatecano


    Zacatecas' former mint (Mexico's second-biggest in the 19th century) now houses the wonderful Museo Zacatecano. Spread over a number of rooms, this…

  • Palacio de la Mala Noche


    Built in the late 18th century for a mine owner, the building's unusual name ('Bad Night Palace') is accounted for by a local legend that its former owner…

  • Instituto Allende

    San Miguel de Allende

    This large 1736 complex, originally the home of the aristocratic De La Canal family, was later used as a Carmelite convent, eventually becoming an art and…

  • Teatro de la República


    This lovely old functioning theater, complete with impressive chandeliers, was where a tribunal met in 1867 to decide the fate of Emperor Maximilian…

  • Museo Casa de Hidalgo

    Dolores Hidalgo

    Miguel Hidalgo lived in this house when he was Dolores' parish priest. It was from here, in the early hours of September 16, 1810, that Hidalgo, Ignacio…

  • Templo de San Francisco

    San Luis Potosí

    The altar of the 17th- and 18th-century Templo de San Francisco was remodeled in the 20th century, but the sacristy (the priest's dressing room), reached…

  • Museo Francisco Goitia


    The Museo Francisco Goitia displays work by several 20th-century Zacatecan artists, including some evocative paintings of indigenous people by Goitia …