Must-see attractions in Peru

  • Playa Roja

    South Coast

    This narrow bay southwest of the visitor center features a peculiar reddish sand that contrasts dramatically with the low yellowish cliffs behind and the…

  • Casa del Corregidor


    An attraction in its own right, this 17th-century house is one of Puno’s oldest residences. A former community center, it now houses a small fair-trade…

  • Mirador de Carmen Alto


    This mirador (lookout) offers fabulous views of Ayacucho, as well as decent restaurants. Taxis here charge S5, otherwise catch a bus from the Mercado…

  • Viewpoints

    Amazon Basin

    The stairs at the northwest end of Av 2 de Mayo afford a good view of the town, and from the balcony at the southeast end there’s a photogenic river…

  • Iglesia de La Merced


    This church, built in the mid-16th century, is full of colonial art and has one of Peru’s oldest convents attached, dating from the same period.

  • Usnu


    This huge leveled platform was likely a ceremonial center. Enjoy the spectacular 360-degree views of the Vilcabamba range from here.

  • Cocha Juárez

    Amazon Basin

    Giant river otters are often seen on wildlife-replete Cocha Juárez, although tours rarely stop here these days.

  • Central Plaza

    Machu Picchu

    The plaza separates the ceremonial sector from the residential and industrial areas.

  • Arch


    The pretty southern entrance to the historical center of Ayacucho.

  • Clock Tower

    Amazon Basin

    A pretty clock tower overlooking the river.

  • Sipán

    North Coast

    The story of Sipán reads like an Indiana Jones movie script: buried treasure, huaqueros (grave robbers), police, archaeologists and at least one killing…

  • Interior of La Catedral de Lima

    La Catedral de Lima


    Next to the Palacio Arzobispal, the cathedral resides on the plot of land that Pizarro designated for the city’s first church in 1535. Though it retains a…

  • Plaza San Martín


    Built in the early 20th century, Plaza San Martín has come to life in recent years as the city has set about restoring its park and giving the surrounding…

  • Iglesia de la Merced


    The first Latin Mass in Lima was held in 1534 on a small patch of land now marked by the Iglesia de la Merced. Originally built in 1541, it was rebuilt…

  • Yavari


    The oldest steamship on Lake Titicaca, the famed Yavari has turned from British gunship to a museum and recommended bed and breakfast, with bunk-bed…

  • Fortaleza del Real Felipe


    In the 1820s the Spanish royalists made their last stand during the battle for independence at this historic fort, which was built in 1747 to guard…

  • Iglesia de San Agustín


    This church has an elaborate churrigueresque facade (completed in 1720), replete with stone carvings of angels, flowers, fruit and, of course, St…

  • Santuario Histórico Bosque de Pomac

    North Coast

    About 22km north of Ferreñafe, a minor road leads to the Sicán ruins of Batán Grande, a major archaeological site where about 50 pyramids have been…

  • Huaca Arco Iris

    North Coast

    Also known locally as Huaca del Dragón, Huaca Arco Iris is in the suburb of La Esperanza, about 4km northwest of Trujillo. Dating from the 12th century,…

  • Panteón de los Próceres


    Located inside a little-visited 18th-century Jesuit church, this monument pays tribute to Peruvian battle heroes, from Túpac Amaru II, the 18th-century…

  • Sechín

    North Coast

    One of Peru’s granddaddy archaeological sites, Sechín is located 5km southeast of Casma and dates from about 1600 BC. It is among the more important and…

  • Museo Inka


    The charmingly modest Museo Inka, a steep block northeast of the Plaza de Armas, is the best museum in town for those interested in the Incas. The…

  • Museo de Historia Natural


    One block west of cuadra 12 off Av Arequipa, south of the Parque de la Reserva, the 100-year-old Museo de Historia Natural, run by the Universidád de San…

  • Palacio Torre Tagle


    The most immaculate of Lima’s historic casonas was completed in 1735, and features an ornate baroque portico (the best one in Lima) and striking Moorish…

  • Museo de Arte Italiano


    Just north of MALI, the Museo de Arte Italiano exhibits a tepid collection of 19th- and 20th-century Italian art. Its best attribute is the glittering…

  • Choco Museo


    Housed in a historic 16th-century building where liberator of Peru General San Martín once slept, this cacao museum, with other outlets around the city,…

  • Puente de los Suspiros


    A block west of the main plaza, look for this renovated, narrow wooden bridge over an old stone stairway that leads to the beach. Especially popular with…

  • Parque del Amor


    Protected from the ocean breeze by a colorful wall of mosaics, this park in Miraflores is the ideal place to walk hand in hand with that special someone…

  • Bosque El Olivar


    This tranquil park, a veritable oasis in the middle of San Isidro, consists of the remnants of an old olive grove, part of which was planted by the…

  • Parque de la Cultura


    Originally known as Parque de la Exposición, this revamped park has gardens and a small amphitheater for outdoor performances. Two of Lima’s major art…

  • Incahuasi

    South Coast

    The most notable archaeological site in the Cañete Valley is Incahuasi, the rough-walled ruins of the military headquarters of the 10th Inca king Túpac…

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