Must-see attractions in Réunion

  • Plage de Petit Boucan


    At the southern end of Boucan Canot's main beach, you'll find this smaller, much quieter beach, but swimming is forbidden and there's no lifeguard.

  • Plage de Terre Sainte


    This small, intimate beach in the Terre Sainte neighbourhood is rarely crowded. It's great for sunbathing. Note that there's no shade.

  • St-Pierre Church


    Built in 1765, St-Pierre church is one of St-Pierre's many architectural gems and features an elegant peristyle and two towers.

  • Tamil Temple


    West of the centre, this highly colourful Tamil temple is well worth a gander. Visitors are not allowed inside the temple.

  • Palais Rontaunay


    Built in 1854, the Palais Rontaunay is a bourgeois villa that has preserved the elegant style of the 19th century.

  • Hindu Temple


    Find this strikingly colourful temple dating from 1871 on a street running parallel to the seafront.

  • Fishing Harbour


    With its handful of colourful fishing boats, the teensy fishing harbour is worth a peek.

  • Chinese Temple


    If you like temples, this discreet yet vividly colourful building is well worth a peek.

  • Forêt Ste-Marguerite

    The East

    For a complete change of pace and atmosphere, consider spending some time in the protected 159-hectare Forêt Ste-Marguerite, way up in the hills. Fans of…

  • Philippe Turpin's Studio


    The sculptor, painter and printmaker Philippe Turpin, who etches on copper and then rolls the prints off the inky plates, has a studio that is open to the…

  • Covered Market


    Housed in a metallic structure dating from 1856, the small covered market is a great place to wander if you're after fresh fruit, vegetables, local spices…

  • Chapelle Front de Mer

    The East

    Notable religious buildings in Ste-Suzanne include the Chapelle Front de Mer, an ornate Tamil temple built on a pebbly beach north of town (it's unsigned;…

  • Notre-Dame de la Délivrance


    Notre-Dame de la Délivrance (1893), which sits on the hillside across the usually dry Rivière St-Denis, is noteworthy for the statue of St Expédit just…

  • Roland Garros Monument


    On the waterfront, this statue honours the Réunion-born aviator Roland Garros, leaning nonchalantly on a propeller. Roland Garros was the first to fly…

  • Church


    At the north end of town, the Catholic church, with its eye-catching white façade and spire, is Cilaos' major landmark.

  • Pagode Guan Di


    Blink and you'll miss this discreet pagoda, which is used by the Chinese community.

  • Church


    This church is a landmark at the western end of town.

  • Town Hall


    The town hall is at the entrance of town.