Must-see attractions in South America

  • Catedral


    This colonial cathedral is about 420 years old, but it’s been altered by so many generations that today it’s a hodgepodge of historical styles. The latest…

  • Chocolates Paria


    Tour the small-scale organic shade-grown cacao plantation and nibble on samples of varying concentration at this excellent chocolate producer. Tours are…

  • Casa del Congreso de Angostura


    The brash pink Casa del Congreso de Angostura dominates the western side of the plaza. Built in the 1770s, in 1819 it was home to lengthy debates by the…

  • Templo del Inca

    Isla del Sol

    Over the track, and in a field just southwest, from the Piedra Sagrada, are the ancient walls of the complex known as the Templo del Inca. Although little…

  • Museo de Béisbol


    This museum in the popular Centro Comercial Sambil, 5km north of the city, is totally devoted to baseball fanaticism. It even has a pitching machine under…

  • Catedral


    The massive, fortress-like Catedral was begun in the 1580s and finished half a century later, making it the oldest surviving church in Venezuela. There…

  • Ecomuseo del Caroní


    Nearby Parque La Llovizna and the enormous Macagua dam, the Ecomuseo del Caroní contains an interesting art gallery with a photographic history of the dam…

  • Iglesia de San Francisco


    Two blocks north of the Catedral is the 18th-century Iglesia de San Francisco. The cupola of the 1760s Capilla del Santísimo Sacramento, at the top of the…

  • Casa de las Ventanas de Hierro


    The Casa de las Ventanas de Hierro is noted for a splendid 8m-high plaster doorway and the wrought-iron grilles (brought from Seville, Spain, in 1764)…

  • Museo Arqueológico JM Cruxent


    This museum has a small collection of pre-Hispanic pottery, photos depicting the damage by the 1950 earthquake, and regional crafts. Note the remains of a…

  • Iglesia de San Francisco


    The handsome Iglesia de San Francisco, on the southern side of Plaza Lara, was built in 1865 and carried the distinction of being Barquisimeto’s second…

  • La Vela de Coro


    This colonial port town to the northeast has a sandy beach punctuated by orange rock columns and a view of a half-sunk shipwreck. It's easy to reach by…

  • Catedral de Barquisimeto


    This cathedral was constructed in the 1960s. It has a bold, innovative design, noted for its parabolic concrete roof and a centrally located high altar…

  • Parque Zoológico y Botánico Bararida


    Located 1.5km north-east of the center, is this large park with an artificial lake and cafes, in addition to the city’s zoo and botanical gardens. Here…

  • Jardín Botánico


    In the vast grounds of the Universidad Nacional Experimental de los Llanos Ezequiel Zamora (Unellez), 3km southwest of the center, the Jardín Botánico has…

  • Museo Lisandro Alvarado


    Named after the locally born politician, doctor and anthropologist, this museum features old maps, documents, paintings and etchings and a variety of…

  • Colección Ornitológica Phelps


    Serious birdwatchers and enthusiasts will want to pop into Colección Ornitológica Phelps in Caracas, an extensive research library that is also home to an…

  • Iglesia de San Juan Bautista


    This mid-17th-century church shelters an amazing, richly gilded main retable dating from 1760. The church is only open in the late afternoon, but if you…

  • Museo Antropológico de Quíbor


    Most of the finds from the Cementerio Indígena de Quíbor are now on display in this museum, two blocks north of Plaza Bolívar. The collection includes…

  • Museo Alberto Arvelo Torrealba


    Named after a local poet, the Museo Alberto Arvelo Torrealba is set in a splendid 200-year-old mansion with a charming patio and a tree-shaded garden. It…

  • Mercado Indígena


    Across from the museum, the market sells some indigenous crafts and lots of black-velvet paintings. But the most interesting items are the bottles of…

  • Museo del Táchira


    About 1.5km north of Complejo Ferial is the Museo del Táchira. Situated in a spacious old coffee and sugarcane hacienda, the museum features interesting…

  • Iglesia de San Clemente


    This 18th-century church is just a stone’s throw to the west of San Francisco. Note the anchor hanging from the middle of the ceiling, which commemorates…

  • Fortín El Zamuro


    The Fortín El Zamuro is a small fort built in the late 18th century atop the highest hill in the city, just south of the colonial quarter. It provides…

  • Museo Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho


    The Museo Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho is dedicated to the Cumaná-born hero of the War of Independence, General Antonio José de Sucre (1795–1830), who…

  • Casa de la Cultura Juan Félix Sánchez


    Across the plaza is the Casa de la Cultura Juan Félix Sánchez. Rooms on the upper floor are used for temporary exhibitions of work by local artists and…

  • Iglesia de la Concepción


    The pretty Iglesia de la Concepción, on the square’s southern side, was Barquisimeto’s first cathedral, but it was destroyed in the earthquake of 1812 and…

  • Parque Los Samanes


    Parque Los Samanes is named after the species of spreading tree that grows in the park. You’ll find an impressive specimen in front of the entrance…

  • Monumento a Simón Bolívar


    One of the city’s most impressive sights is the gigantic Monumento a Simón Bolívar. Erected in 1999, this 10m-high bronze statue is by far the tallest…

  • Iglesia de Santa Bárbara


    The blue-colored neo-Gothic Iglesia de Santa Bárbara was the only structure not pulled down in the demolition of colonial buildings that formed the core…

  • Museo de Arte Moderno Juan Astorga Anta


    The large, modern Centro Cultural Tulio Febres Cordero shelters the Museo de Arte Moderno Juan Astorga Anta. It stages changing exhibitions of modern art…

  • Museo de Arte de Coro


    The Museo de Arte de Coro, in a beautiful 18th-century mansion, is a branch of the Caracas Museo de Arte Contemporáneo. It features thought-provoking and…

  • Bolívar Monument


    The small Parque de las Cinco Repúblicas boasts Venezuela’s oldest Bolívar monument, dating from 1842. The small bust sitting atop a high, massive column…

  • Museo Etnológico de Amazonas


    A fascinating display of regional indigenous culture, the Museo Etnológico de Amazonas displays personal items and model-housing replicas from groups…

  • Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Cumaná


    Next to Castillo de San Antonio is this small, concrete Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Cumaná. It stages changing exhibits of modern art, and is only open…

  • Ateneo de Boconó


    The Ateneo de Boconó is another place where you can see local weavers at work in their textile workshop on the upper floor. The Ateneo runs arts-and…

  • Museo de Arte Moderno Jesús Soto


    This excellent museum has an extensive collection of kinetic works by internationally renowned artist, Jesús Soto, as well as temporary exhibits. It's in…

  • Museo de Arte Colonial


    Set in a beautiful 300-year-old mansion with a courtyard, the Museo de Arte Colonial has a small but carefully assembled collection of sacred art, dating…

More destinations you need to see