Must-see nightlife in Taiwan Strait Islands

  • Bang Bang Banana

    Penghu Islands

    A Warhol welcome sets the stage for Magong's quirkiest secret drinking hole: the little yard is intriguing, but pull back the heavy wooden door to find…

  • Kaffe Katate

    Penghu Islands

    Magong has many great cafes, but for a superb barista espresso made in a mad-professor's-laboratory interior, there's no beating local roaster Katate.

  • Grassroots & Fruit

    Penghu Islands

    Teas, craft beers and a range of carefully chosen delicacies are served in an intimate one-room cafe with an arty vibe.

  • Freud Pub

    Penghu Islands

    Magong's nearest approximation to a western-style pub.