Must-see attractions in Tanzania

  • Mangapwani Coral Cave

    Zanzibar Island

    This large natural cavern with a freshwater pool was originally used as a source of drinking water for local people and is rumoured to have been used in…

  • Urithi Tanga Museum

    Northeastern Tanzania

    Tanga’s old boma has been rehabilitated, and now houses this small but worthwhile museum, with historical photos and artefacts from the area.

  • State House

    Dar es Salaam

    An imposing complex set amid large grounds, the State House was originally built by the Germans and rebuilt after WWI by the British.

  • Catholic Cathedral

    Western Tanzania

    This notable and attractive Catholic cathedral has concrete inner walls painted to look like wood and marble.

  • Amboni Caves

    Northeastern Tanzania

    Long the subject of local legend, these limestone caves are one of the most extensive subterranean systems in East Africa and an intriguing excursion for…

  • Chwaka Ruins


    Spread out amid palm trees and cassava fields, Chwaka Ruins consist of two separate sites, the Mazrui Tombs dating back to the 17th century, and the main…

  • Toten Island

    Northeastern Tanzania

    Directly offshore from Tanga is small, mangrove-ringed island Toten Island ('Island of the Dead'), with the overgrown ruins of a mosque dating from at…

  • Mbweni Ruins

    Zanzibar Town

    The upmarket suburb of Mbweni, 5km south of Zanzibar Town, was a Universities Mission to Central Africa (UMCA) base and settlement for former slaves in…

  • Tumbe Fish Market


    Down on the beach beyond Tumbe village, the sands are covered in fishing boats and tackle, and lined with a motley collection of huts where fishers gather…

  • Arusha Declaration Museum


    Despite the promising subject matter – the museum celebrates the groundbreaking 1967 declaration by then-president Julius Nyerere calling for African self…

  • Galanos Sulphur Springs

    Northeastern Tanzania

    These green, odorous and rather underwhelming sulphur springs northwest of Tanga take their name from a Greek sisal planter who was the first to recognise…

  • Azania Front Lutheran Church

    Dar es Salaam

    A striking edifice, with a red-roofed belfry overlooking the water, a rather stern Gothic interior and a marvellous, new handmade organ, this is one of…

  • Kizimkazi Old Mosque

    Zanzibar Island

    Although this mosque is thought to be one of the oldest Islamic buildings on the East African coast, it has been extensively restored and appears…

  • Saa Nane National Park


    The rocky island 500m off Capri Point is Saa Nane National Park. Even though it’s just 0.76 sq km and home to only monkeys and impalas, visiting costs…

  • Umoja Children’s Park


    This fairground was established in Pemba’s socialist days, and completely renovated (a gift from China) in recent years. The gleaming big wheels and…

  • Kunduchi Ruins

    Dar es Salaam

    These overgrown but worthwhile ruins include the remnants of a late 15th-century mosque as well as Arabic graves from the 18th or 19th centuries, with…

  • Botanical Gardens

    Dar es Salaam

    Although in danger of disappearing beneath development, these botanical gardens provide an essential shady oasis in the city. They were established in…

  • ZSTC Clove Buying Centre


    This is where the Zanzibar State Trading Corporation (ZSTC) buys cloves in bulk from local farmers (usually between July and February). To get here, go…

  • Meserani Snake Park


    The collection of snakes and other reptiles here is the main draw, but there’s also a corny yet informative Maasai cultural museum with mock-ups of home…

  • Kiwengwa-Pongwe Forest Reserve

    Zanzibar Island

    Set back from the main road between Kiwengwa and Pongwe, this reserve protects a swathe of indigenous forest and its wildlife, including groups of the…

  • Chagga Live Museum

    Northern Tanzania

    At Kilimanjaro Mountain Resort, the small but worthwhile outdoor Chagga Live Museum illustrates traditional Chagga society with a range of tools, living…

  • Caravan Serai Museum


    This undistinguished museum has a small display documenting the slave trade. It's at the town entrance, just past and diagonally opposite CRDB bank. More…

  • Hamamni Persian Baths

    Zanzibar Town

    Built by Sultan Barghash in the late 19th century, these were the first public baths on Zanzibar. The various rooms were renovated in 2017 and, although…

  • Kaiser House

    Western Tanzania

    This colonial-era building was constructed in the early years of the 20th century for German emperor Wilhelm II, who was planning a hunting expedition to…

  • Ijumaa Mosque

    Zanzibar Town

    This lovely Arabesque-style mosque is one of the largest in Stone Town. As an Ijumma (Friday) mosque, the faithful come to pray here, rather than at their…

  • Beit el-Amani

    Zanzibar Town

    This domed building, formerly the Peace Memorial Museum and now an archive, dates to 1925, when it was inaugurated as a memorial to the accords ending WWI…

  • Flying Fox Colony


    Hanging in trees just up from the port is a colony of Pemba flying foxes (a species of large bat usually found in forest areas). Despite their proximity…

  • St Peter's Church

    Dar es Salaam

    In addition to being almost always packed to overflowing during services, St Peter's is a helpful landmark showing the turn-off from busy Ali Hassan…

  • Selous Grave

    Selous Game Reserve

    Here lies buried Frederick Courteney Selous, the British explorer and conservationist who was killed in the Selous during WWI, and after whom Selous Game…

  • Maasai Market


    Mwanza has a Maasai Market, with a couple of dozen Maasai selling beaded jewellery and medicines on both sides of the footbridge.

  • Askari Monument

    Dar es Salaam

    This bronze statue, dedicated to Africans killed in WWI, is now a favourite haunt of street touts and dubious moneychangers.

  • St Anthony's Cathedral

    Northeastern Tanzania

    The architecturally intriguing St Anthony's Cathedral is set just back from the waterfront.

  • Tanga Coelacanth Marine Park

    Northeastern Tanzania

    The goal of this recently declared ‘park’ is to protect the local population of prehistoric coelacanth fish. The temporary headquarters are in Kigombe…

  • State House

    Zanzibar Town

    Zanzibar's presidential palace was originally designed by British architect John Sinclair as the British Residency in 1903. Today it is not open to…

  • Ngurdoto Museum

    Northern Tanzania

    This dusty and poorly curated collection of butterflies, birds and insects wouldn't be worth visiting were it not for the poachers' snares on display – a…

  • Victoria Hall & Gardens

    Zanzibar Town

    Sitting quietly on Kaunda Rd, surrounded by decaying and overgrown gardens, Victoria Hall housed the legislative council during the British era. It's now…

  • Cine Afrique

    Zanzibar Town

    It's no longer a working cinema, but the grand old Cine Afrique is an art deco gem and a significant landmark.

  • Big Tree

    Zanzibar Town

    A venerable landmark on the waterfront, and popular meeting spot for passengers taking boat rides.

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