Must-see attractions in Lazio

  • Basilica di Massenzio

    Ancient Rome

    With its vast arched vaults, this hulking brick construction is the largest building on the Roman Forum. Started by the Emperor Maxentius and finished by…

  • Elefantino

    Centro Storico

    Nicknamed the pulcino della Minerva ('Minerva's chick'), the Elefantino is a curious and much-loved statue of a puzzled-looking elephant carrying a 6th…

  • Foro di Traiano

    Ancient Rome

    Overshadowed by Trajan's towering administrative complex (the Mercati di Traiano), this was the last of the Imperial Forums to be built, dating to the…

  • Piazza Trilussa

    Trastevere & Gianicolo

    Right where the cute little Ponte Sisto pedestrian bridge crosses the Tiber, this small square is a fine entrance to Trastevere. The star attraction is…

  • Chiesa di San Giorgio in Velabro

    Ancient Rome

    The medieval Chiesa di San Giorgio in Velabro is a beautiful, atmospheric church whose original 7th-century portico was completely destroyed by a Mafia…

  • Castello di Giulio II


    Rising above Ostia's medieval borgo (village), this landmark castle is a fine example of Renaissance military architecture. It's named after Pope Giulio…

  • Tabularium

    Ancient Rome

    Hidden beneath Palazzo Senatorio, and accessible via a tunnel linking Palazzo dei Conservatori to Palazzo Nuovo, the Tabularium was ancient Rome's central…

  • Tombe della Via Latina

    Southern Rome

    The Archaeological Park of the Tombs of the Via Latina holds a trove of ancient Roman tombs in a park setting. Following an extensive restoration, the…

  • Palazzo Madama

    Centro Storico

    Seat of the Italian Senate since 1871, the regal Palazzo Madama was originally the 16th-century residence of Giovanni de’ Medici, the future Pope Leo X…

  • Museo delle Navi Romane

    Castelli Romani

    This museum on the shores of Lago di Nemi was built by Mussolini to house two Roman boats salvaged from the lake in 1932. These dated from Caligula’s time…

  • Spiaggia di Frontone

    South Coast

    A thin strip of pebbly sand fronting pristine waters and framed by pale rock faces, this is Ponza's top beach. It's a beautiful place, but it gets very…

  • Chiesa di Sant'Agnese in Agone

    Centro Storico

    With its theatrical facade and rich, domed interior, the Chiesa di Sant’Agnese in Agone is typical of Francesco Borromini’s baroque style. The church,…

  • Piramide di Caio Cestio

    San Giovanni & Testaccio

    Sticking out like, well, an Egyptian pyramid, this distinctive landmark looms over a busy traffic junction near Piramide metro station. A 36m-high marble…

  • Palazzo Pamphilj

    Centro Storico

    Commissioned by Giovanni Battista Pamphilj to celebrate his election as Pope Innocent X in 1644, this elegant baroque palazzo (1650) has been home to the…

  • Mattatoio

    San Giovanni & Testaccio

    Housed in Rome’s former slaughterhouse, the Mattatoio complex is one of Rome's top contemporary arts venues. Its cavernous halls, themselves fine examples…

  • Tempio di Antonino e Faustina

    Ancient Rome

    Entering the Roman Forum from Largo della Salara Vecchia – you can also enter directly from the Palatino or from the Arco di Tito – you’ll see the Tempio…

  • Mausoleo di Romolo

    Southern Rome

    Mausoleo di Romolo, located within the grounds of Villa di Massenzio, was built by Maxentius for his 17-year-old son Romulus. The huge mausoleum was…

  • Via dei Coronari

    Centro Storico

    This cobbled Renaissance street lined with antique shops, boutiques and costume jewellers is a lovely place for a stroll. It follows the course of the…

  • Rampa di Domiziano

    Ancient Rome

    Accessible through the Chiesa di Santa Maria Antiqua, this ramp is actually a vast passageway that allowed the emperors to enter the Roman Forum from…

  • Via Sacra

    Ancient Rome

    The cobbled Via Sacra, the main road through the Roman Forum, traverses the site, running from the Capitoline Hill to the Arco di Tito at the forum's…

  • Torre degli Anguillara

    Trastevere & Gianicolo

    Dating to the Middle Ages, this tower was part of the fortified holdings of the powerful Anguillara clan, which ruled this part of Rome until the 15th…

  • Chiesa di Santa Maria Nuova


    This 11th-century Romanesque church, the oldest in Viterbo, was restored to its original form after sustaining bomb damage in WWII. A series of 13th- to…

  • Stadio di Domiziano

    Centro Storico

    Beneath Piazza Navona lie the remains of the 1st-century-AD Stadio di Domiziano, over which the square was laid out in the 15th century. This 30,000-seat…

  • Museo della Civilta Romana

    Southern Rome

    Wouldn't you know it! The pick of the three seldom-visited museums on this weed-strewn rationalist square is closed for 'renovations'. But just in case it…

  • Obelisk

    San Giovanni & Testaccio

    Overlooking Palazzo Laterano, this is said to be the world's largest standing Egyptian obelisk. Topping off at almost 46m, it's also the oldest of Rome's…

  • Museo Nazionale Romano: Crypta Balbi

    Centro Storico

    The least known of the Museo Nazionale Romano's four museums, the Crypta Balbi sits over the ruins of several medieval buildings, themselves set atop the…

  • Museo Palatino

    Ancient Rome

    This small museum traces the development of the Palatino with video presentations, models and archaeological finds. Highlights include busts of the…

  • Obelisco di Marconi

    Southern Rome

    Done up in faux-Egyptian style, this soaring central EUR obelisk was a favourite of Mussolini's. It features the usual array of buff workers beavering…

  • Museo Storico Artistico

    Vatican City, Borgo & Prati

    Accessed from the left nave of St Peter's Basilica, the Museo Storico Artistico (Tesoro; Treasury) sparkles with sacred relics and priceless artefacts,…

  • Basilica di San Lorenzo in Damaso

    Centro Storico

    This echoing 4th-century basilica, incorporated into Palazzo della Cancelleria, is one of Rome’s oldest churches. Much altered over the centuries – both…

  • Parco Nazionale del Circeo

    South Coast

    Encompassing around 85 sq km of billowing sand dunes, scratchy scrubland, forests, wetlands and four coastal lakes, the Circeo National Park offers a…

  • Sea Life Roma

    Southern Rome

    Over 5000 sea creatures, 30 tanks with more than one million gallons of water, a 360-degree glass tunnel for viewing sharks and stingrays, the list goes…

  • Giardino del Lago


    Designed and laid out in the late 18th century, this leafy area is centred on a small, romantic lake where you can hire a rowing boat. The highlight,…

  • Tempio di Castore e Polluce

    Ancient Rome

    In the centre of the Roman Forum, three Corinthian columns are all that survive from the Tempio di Castore e Polluce, also known as the Tempio dei…

  • Tempio di Vesta

    Ancient Rome

    This circular temple on the Roman Forum was dedicated to Vesta, the popular goddess of home, hearth and family. The Vestal Virgins, who lived next door in…

  • Spiaggia delle Grotte di Nerone

    South Coast

    A thin, sandy strip west of the town centre, this popular beach is backed by the ruins of a Roman villa built by the emperor Nero. Further around the…

  • Palazzo dei Conservatori

    Ancient Rome

    One of two palazzi housing the Capitoline Museums, Palazzo dei Conservatori dates to the mid-15th century when it was the seat of the city's elected…

  • Piazza di Sant’Ignazio Loyola

    Centro Storico

    Laid out in 1727 to resemble a theatrical set, complete with exits into ‘the wings’, this exquisite rococo piazza is home to the 17th-century Chiesa di…

  • Museo Nazionale Etrusco


    The Albornaz fortress, built in the 14th century to guard the city and later modified by Renaissance architect Bramante, houses Viterbo's modest Etruscan…