Must-see attractions in Mexico

  • MEXICO-Guanajuato State-Guanajuato: Templo de San Cayetano de la Valenciana Church- (b.1788) Church by the famous Valenciana Silver Mine- Exterior

    Templo La Valenciana


    On a hill overlooking Guanajuato, 5km north of the center, is the magnificent Templo La Valenciana. Its facade is spectacular and its interior dazzles…

  • Eyipantla Falls

    Salto de Eyipantla


    Twelve kilometers southeast of San Andrés, in the eponymous village, a 250-step staircase leads down to the absolutely spectacular Salto de Eyipantla, a…

  • Museo Regional de Nayarit

    Central Pacific Coast

    Inside an impressive magenta palacio (palace), the regional museum features Huichol and other pre-Hispanic ceramics mostly sourced from burials from…

  • Regional Museum of Anthropology, housed in a 19th century building, Paseo de Montejo, Merida, Yucatan State, Mexico, North America

    Palacio Cantón


    This massive mansion was built between 1909 and 1911, though its owner, General Francisco Cantón Rosado (1833–1917), lived here for only six years before…

  • Flamingos

    Reserva de la Biosfera Ría Celestún


    The 591-sq-km Reserva de la Biosfera Ría Celestún is home to a huge variety of animals and birdlife, including a large flamingo colony. You can see…

  • Iglesia Santa Bárbara

    Southern Baja

    Designed and erected for Paris’ 1889 World’s Fair, then disassembled and stored in Brussels for shipping to West Africa, Gustave Eiffel’s (yes, of Eiffel…

  • Santuario de la Virgen de Ocotlán

    East of Mexico City

    One of Mexico’s most spectacular churches is an important pilgrimage site for those who believe the Virgin appeared here in 1541 – her image stands on the…

  • Casa de los Venados


    Featuring over 3000 pieces of museum-quality Mexican folk art, this private collection is interesting in that objects are presented in an actual private…

  • Ex-Hacienda Nogueras

    Western Central Highlands

    Comala’s obligatory sight is this former home of Mexican artist Alejandro Rangel Hidalgo (1923–2000), which now contains a museum dedicated to the man’s…

  • Palacio de Hierro


    Alexandre Gustave Eiffel's ‘Iron Palace’ is Orizaba’s fanciful art nouveau landmark. The palace’s interior has been converted into several small museums …

  • Cascada de las Golondrinas


    A lovely water feature tucked 10km off the highway, where two rivers cascade dramatically from a high point of 35m and you can swim in clear blue water…

  • Tenam Puente Maya Ruins


    These sprawling Maya ruins feature three ball courts, a 20m tiered pyramid and other structures rising from a wooded hillside. Tenam Puente was one of a…

  • Malpasito Ruins


    The Maya ceremonial site of Malpasito is 600m (signposted) uphill from the village of the same name. Apart from the beautiful setting, what’s remarkable…



    While a museum of calendars might not sound riveting, this extraordinary museum is unexpectedly interesting. It takes a wide angle view of calendars and…

  • Cascada de Texolo


    From Xico, it's a pleasant, signposted 3km walk (or short drive along a potholed road) to the spectacular, plunging, 80m Cascada de Texolo. From the…

  • Museo Rafael Coronel


    The excellent Museo Rafael Coronel is not to be missed. Imaginatively housed in the ruins of the lovely 16th-century Ex-Convento de San Francisco, it…

  • Cascada Welib-Já


    Thirty kilometers from Palenque, these 25m-high curtains of water aren't the most dramatic water features in the area, but the turquoise river pools make…

  • Museo Histórico Naval

    Veracruz City

    Occupying a former naval academy, this high-tech museum offers a titanic lesson in Mexico’s maritime heritage, with plenty of interactive displays and an…

  • Museo Arqueológico de Comitán


    Although this excellent museum is very small it's crammed with treasures from the area’s many archaeological sites (Spanish signage only). It's arranged…

  • Museo de Sergio Arturo Castro Martínez

    San Cristóbal de las Casas

    The story behind this extraordinary collection – that's overseen by an even more extraordinary person, Don Sergio – is as interesting as the museum itself…

  • Riviera del Pacífico


    Opened in the 1930s as Hotel Playa Ensenada, the extravagant Riviera del Pacífico, a Spanish-style former casino, is rumored to have been a haunt of Al…

  • Cascadas de Minas Viejas

    La Huasteca Potosina

    The stunning cascades of Minas Viejas are well worth the 78km trip northwest from Ciudad Valles, if only to see the gorgeous turquoise waters here. The…

  • Museo Histórico de San Miguel de Allende

    San Miguel de Allende

    This is the house where Mexican independence hero Ignacio Allende was born in 1769, a fact that draws a steady stream of Mexican pilgrims year-round. The…

  • Museo Pedro Coronel


    The Museo Pedro Coronel is housed in a 17th-century former Jesuit college and is one of provincial Mexico's best art museums. Pedro Coronel (1923−85) was…

  • Museo El Café-tal Apan


    If you want to learn a bit more about the history of coffee in the region, visit this excellent museum, which displays antique coffee-making tools…

  • Museo del Café Córdoba


    The ground floor of the city's cultural center have been transformed into this well-designed museum on Córdoba's prime product: coffee. Most explanation…

  • Capilla Real de Naturales


    The Arabic-style Capilla Real has 49 domes and dates from 1540. The mosque-inspired design makes the yellow church unique to Mexico and creates a…

  • Pasaje Rodríguez


    This atmospheric arty alley reflects TJ's growing urban art scene. The walls are painted with vibrant graffiti-style murals – the perfect backdrop to the…

  • Plaza Machado


    Surrounded by splendid 19th-century buildings, this gorgeous tree-lined plaza comes alive in the evening, when market stalls pop up, couples stroll hand…

  • Museo Nacional del Títere

    East of Mexico City

    The national puppet museum displays dolls and marionettes from all around the world in a fantastic renovated building on the zócalo. It’s a fun stop for…

  • El Castillo (Temple of Kukulkan), Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico

    El Castillo

    Chichén Itzá

    Upon entering Chichén Itzá, El Castillo (aka the Pyramid of Kukulcán) rises before you in all its grandeur. The first temple here was pre-Toltec, built…

  • Grupo Nohoch Mul


    Nohoch Mul (Big Mound) is also known as the Great Pyramid (which sounds a lot better than Big Mound). It reaches a height of 42m, making it the second…

  • Mirador La Bufa

    The Copper Canyon & Ferrocarril Chihuahua Pacífico

    Along the scenic drive to Batopilas, about 100km south of Creel, is one of the region's most spectacular views: La Bufa canyon. Dropping 1800m, it's deep…

  • Cenote Azul

    Riviera Maya

    Conveniently located right off the main highway, Cenote Azul is one of the easiest Riviera Maya cenotes to visit. It’s also one of the region’s most…

  • This is one of the well preserved ancient Mayan temples at the Dzibanche's archeological Mayan ruins site about two hours inland in the Yucatan region of Mexico. They still allow visitors to climb to the top of the temples but may need to restrict it in the future due to the expansion of tourism in the area.


    Costa Maya & Southern Caribbean Coast

    Though it’s a chore to get to, this site is definitely worth a visit for its secluded, semi-wild nature. Dzibanché (meaning ‘writing on wood’) was a major…

  • The Metropolitan Cathedral seen from the Zocolo in Mexico City.

    Catedral Metropolitana

    Centro Histórico

    One of Mexico City’s most iconic structures, this cathedral is a monumental edifice: 109m long, 59m wide and 65m high. Started in 1573, it remained a work…

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